I think we steal our Church neighbor's seat!!!

Sep 05, 2022 20:35

I went to Mass today.  I made an informal "vow" that I would go to Mass if I'm off from work.  But then...  I don't go on Saturdays, so...  Anyway, I went by myself and I sat on the choir side because when there is a deacon for daily Mass, that's where the priest distributes, so...  Anyway, before Mass started I see someone is in "our seat" and it was actually the couple that sits next to us!  So...  I suspect it is we who steal their seats in the actual.  HAHAHAHA!!!  Either way, I waved to them during the sign of peace.

I had a mini epiphany...  It's Labor Day and it was the Gospel of the Man with the withered hand.  Coincidence?  Anyway, Fr. I was talking about how we use our hands almost always and it's labor day...  How restoring of the withered hand restored his ability to work.  He then mentioned the scandal of it being on the Sabbath.  But nothing more?  But from that I had the epiphany of...  He restored a hand, the ability to work on the Sabbath!  Like...  Is there anything in regards to that being a defense of labor on the Sabbath?  Or more that Christians no longer need to observe the Sabbath?

7500centfish's daily recap of The Fisherman's Tomb!!!  They're now talking about Nero.  How it was he who burned down Rome and blamed the Christians.  Which lead to their persecution.  How he used them as human torches to light his garden parties.  How Peter's body was thrown and secretly buried.  The site was then venerated secretly.  7500centfish, and there is your daily recap!

I received an email from my loan company saying my loan is paid in full.  And...  I'm skeptical.  I had heard even if I do have federal loans, I don't qualify for forgiveness because they are handled by a private company and therefore are considered private?  And...  I even checked my account and it still says I owe, so...

I'm beginning to think we do have new neighbors.

I officially have my #PrayerSpace!!!  
 7500centfish moved my desk across the room.  I semi set up my computer, except I didn't plug anything in, nor do I have a keyboard right now.  And where is my mouse pad???  Anyway, we then moved the shelf up.  I moved all my books, candles, etc.  I ended up putting it as I had first intended, shelf against my bed.  I just felt I had more room that way at least with all the junk with my other bookshelf in the way.  I then didn't have my chair last night, so I was sitting on my drum stool.  I think I need a light in the corner.  I don't know if I want something on the floor / a table or one hanging from the ceiling.  I also want to decorate the walls.  Must browse etsy.  Oh and maybe put something on the top of the bookshelf.  So, yeah, I put my preexisting altar, as is, in front of the new shelves on the left / wall side.  The top shelf is mostly empty.  I have my oversized books / bibles.  I remembered I have another Bible in a box somewhere.  LOL...  On the 2nd shelf I have my religious books.  I need to reorganize it separating spiritual reading and literature.  Then my unread books, etc.  cc kumquatqueen

According to Reddit, Kevin James frequents a Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) on LI???  There are 2 Latin Mass parishes, so which one???  I wonder if he's met Fr. I...  I could be 2 degrees separated from Kevin James!!!  Did I mention he also often serves at TLM???  Oh someone later said it's the other TLM parish.  Oh well.  Lol.  I then googled some more and he filmed there once for an Ep of Kevin Can Wait.  Interesting...

4:11 P.M.

7500centfish left.  For future reference it takes less than 10 mins to get to the train station, but yeah, I'd leave 20 mins to be on the safe side.  We then waited for her till her train left.

Oh yeah, before we left, 7500centfish set up my chair.  Good thing I got a cover!  The chair itself is raw...  Like almost just a layer of stuffing.  I wanted a white cover because I wanted my #prayercorner all white and I guess pink...  But then I guess I'll go with grey, white, black (my other tables) and pink, my rug.  I want to get a white throw to put over the chair as well.  Maybe a rug over my rug because carpet is stained.  Ew...  Lol.  I really need to work on the walls...  I have one of those letter boards, but I don't know what to write on it.  I can always change the saying around, so...  Then my taste is like either really childish to high art / serious.  Like...  Both this and this.  Anything by Bouguereau really...  Hm...  I just had a hipster idea of hanging prayer cards with clothesline pegs...  I want to create a little section to my #ladysaints.  (St. Rose of Lima)  I also want a lighted curtain.  Oh and a crucifix.  Might go with San Damiano or a table top one.  kumquatqueen suggests I check out Hobby Lobby.

I was looking through my instagram for sayings and I'm leaning toward "Incline my heart according to your will, O God.", but now I'm thinking something in Latin.  I mean...  I can always translate that into Latin...  Looking at the sign, it might be too long...  Time Snip, 7:43 P.M..  I did the previous mentioned phrase, but in English.  I need to fix the layout...

books, #ladysaints, st e, #prayercorner, #prayerspace, catholicism, buy me stuff, prayer, tc and k, sunday mass tweet

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