Happy Anniversary Parish Fam!!!

Jul 10, 2022 15:11

I'll say it again and again.  I love my Parish!!!  It's our 60th Anniversary.  The Bishop said the 11:30 Mass so I thought the 9AM would have been sparser.  It was not.  Fr. I greeted us all in his homily.  Pointing out the Founding Members.  I only saw 1 for sure...  Commending them / Monsignor K for seeing a need and accomplishing it.  That today shows the fruits of their hard work.  That hopefully in 40 years we can celebrate the 100 anniversary.  Will I even be alive?  Doubtful.  He also mentioned a parishioner brought him to where the former Rectory was.  Apparently it still exists?  I have no clue where it is... Anyway, it was also the gospel of the Good Samaritan.  So he brought up "And who is my neighbor?"  That we as a parish have been ministering to the poor in the community, not only the material poor, but the spiritual poor.  He mentioned the many baptisms, weddings, confirmations, first communions.  Even the funerals we have had.  How many confessions the priests have heard of people being reconciled with God...  I dunno why...  I mean, I know why.  But that last one hit me.  He then began talking about St. Elizabeth.  How even when she died young, she accomplished a lot.  Ministering to the poor, even building a hospital.  We need to continue to use her as an example.

After Mass they had hospitality, but Mom and many booked it.  I was then craving bagels so I got some afterward. Only 1/2 a dozen since I'm semi tired of bagels in general.  Lol.

I then went in search of photos...  I was trying to make a my life in the parish time line.  Yet...  I don't know what to write.  Other than I was baptized there.  I was the 1st and only graduate from TRS.  I thought maybe Fr. Brucey-Bruce signed my diploma.  He did not.  Some Fr. Patrick?  I honestly don't even know who that is!  I asked 7500centfish to find pics for me, but she's not avail till after 7.  I did find a post Confirmation pic...  I was so annoyed because Mom made me wear Filipinana.  Even more annoyed that I had to be confirmed with parish randos.  HAHAHHA!!!  Then Dad's funeral...

What else???

They retired Keith Hernandez's number, so I decided to watch.  Still peering over Mom's seat, but whatever...

I didn't go to the mall with them yesterday, but I met them for lunch.  I needed my steak!  Lol.  Bleeding "heavily" but like before it's not as heavy as it had been.  Like I'm not changing my pad every 1 to 3 hours.  Well...  I am changing after 3, but it's not because it's soaked.  I don't know if the blood loss effected my appetite...  Well in the past it left me with none, but this time I ate my entire meal, plus apps!  I had the 6oz filet with loaded mash, and elote.  Apparently that's what 7500centfish said I ate?  It just said corn on the cob.  I was expecting something different?  I didn't like the seasoning.  Kinda reminded me of cilantro, but it just said it has some special cream sauce and parmesan.  So full.

During lunch...  They kept talking about their priests.  Funny stories and the like.  I was then thinking...  What types of stories would I tell about my priest?  Like yeah, I write about him all the time, but...  I dunno...  What would I even say?  Basically they were saying all their priests have been Mets fans.  I guess I could have said our seminarians went to the Mets game?  Oh and Tita Nette said something about a priest denying communion because Mass started with 6 people and more people showed up as Mass was going on.  Like...  Why penalize those 6 people???

I don't feel like I have much else to write.  It also feels way late in the day and I have done nothing really...

  • St. George and *the* Dragon!
  • This looks like a Mafia picture...
  • I imagine myself being overwhelmed with emotion of love for God and just crying...
  • st e, discernment, sunday mass tweet, mets thoughts

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