There will be blood...

Jul 08, 2022 20:53

My period started yesterday after a 54 day cycle.  It was relatively light the 1st day.  So much so I didn't bother to bring extra pants.  I almost didn't sleep with my wee wee pad...  But good thing I did!  Woke up in a pool of blood.  It didn't feel as if I was bleeding overnight, but when I got up to pray...  I almost forewent praying 1st thing and showered first, but...  I knew it would be likely I'd then rush through prayer, so I prayed sitting in said blood.  Brought extra pants and pads.  An extra pair of period panties.  Went to work.  Seemed relatively fine.  Until I stood up!  Like I immediately felt it dripping down my leg.  Not all the way down.  But yeah...  But then when I was in the bathroom, Dr. L was calling for me.  So after just changing my pad, I was walking around with bloody pants.  No one seemed to notice...  But after I was done assisting, I changed into my pants.  I asked Marna for a plastic bag to put my bloody clothes in.  She gave me a garbage bag.  Lol.  The rest of the day was OK.  But then I was going to the bathroom at any sense something was gonna drop to prevent anything big.

Not sure if I'll go to the mall with them tomorrow because once I stand up, it's not like I can run to the bathroom as quickly.  Worried about church as well.  But...  That might be the beginning of a lighter day.  I did once bleed at Mass and booked out before the song was finished.  Lol.

Oh and..  So far I don't have a high opinion of the new period panties I bought.  It didn't seem to block any of my over flow.  I thought my older Thinx panties had more butt coverage, but they don't seem to have more coverage, but I felt more confident in them.  But yeah...  Like I said, I bled through last night when I slept, which is understandable, but then at work...  I might as well have been wearing regular undies!  Waste of money at this point.

In semi related news...  I kept getting foot cramps, like more so with just dehydration.  I was also thirsty, but I think the bleeding had more to do with it.  Ugh...

Dreams...  I know I had 2 separate dreams, but I don't know what my note of "praying tent parking garage foot cramps" means...

Dream 2 I guess?  I was on a retreat and it seemed like Mass took place in a school gym / auditorium.  Fr. I was presiding and when it came time to distribute communion he took out a confession kneeler / screen.  But it was for receiving communion like a makeshift altar rail and...  Me and others in the crowd were like excited.  Like it was unexpected, but welcomed.  But then when it came time to received like he was distributing elsewhere and a group of us was just waiting.  Soon some lady came by and...  I kinda remember kneeling there waiting to receive and the lady was explaining something, kinda the significance, but then also the reason why we needed to wait till the end.  She then used me to demonstrate reception and as she was talking / describing what was being done she held the host onto my tongue and I just knelt there with my mouth open, with her pressing down on my tongue while she was still explaining to the group.  I'm then back in my chair and try to kneel against the stage.  I then see some sort of smaller version of what appears to me like an altar piece with various little bible scenes.  I'm then in an entrance way, but my bag is on a table next to the door.  I'm half thinking is it OK to leave my stuff here as I shower.  I take out the stuff I need to shower and think of taking some valuables as well.  But then I see Tita Neng walk out the door and like strut around, like walking weirdly with really expressive arm movements as she walks to the street.

  • Me right now.  Lol.  I then had to specify to 7500centfish, I'm basically Elisabetta laying in a pool of blood or the cross gushing it out.  Lol!

  • Marna was moving patients.  They're going on vacay end of the month.  I told them I have an MD appt.  No I'm not rescheduling.
  • Copper and Todd are in love...  So much so he chewed a hole in his butt!  HAHAHAHA!!!  OK, that sounded gross...

  • Accidental fave.  Or is it...
  • The comments!  😂
  • AT-AT or AT-AT?
  • catholicism, dream, medical

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