Happy Prime Day to those who celebrate!

Jul 12, 2022 20:54

Lol.  Matt Maher rt'd a Optimus Prime / Prime Day meme.  HAHAHHA!!!  In other news once again did not see "Matt Maher" at Mass.  :(

I also posted to geebs/sparkyboy/7500centfish chat an instagram story from Matt Maher complaining about paper straws.  HAHAHAHA!!!

Mom dropped the laptop.  It seems to work with no issue?  Maybe it's time to get a new laptop?  But then...  I like using my old programs...

I think I dreamt last night?  Once again stuff happened, but the first thing I can remember now is...  7500centfish left to go back to VA, but then she left like...  It seemed like it was part of a chemistry lab where bulbs and rubber tubing were hanging above me from some sort of rack.  There was then copper tubing like the back of a ref on my bed.  I thought I could easily hide it under my bed, but I'd have to rearrange my room a bit.  In addition, the location of the bulbs and tubes was right in front of my bed and I couldn't deal with seeing that all the time, I thought of moving it to the foot of my bed parallel to the western wall.  But then it would partially block my TV.  I then thought of dismantling it and putting it in 7500centfish's room.  I then remember being outside and I had brought wall paper to someone.  They then start to decorate the inside of a minivan as if it were a mobile home.  The minivan was gutted and I just remember them making strips out of the wallpaper, but then they were making some sort of triangle pattern with the strips.

Trying to drink my 9 cups at work, then supplement at home with Gatorade.  Hopefully that will help my tootsie cramps.

Work annoyance.  Yesterday a patient called asking us to make an appointment for them.  Finger fracture.  Except they can only go Wednesday AM or all day Thursday.  So I call and make an appt for them.  Except it's all the way out east of them.  It's Wednesday AM.  Otherwise they have nothing till Friday.  So I inform the patient.  No can do...  Can you find someone else?  *sigh*  So I find someone else and make an appointment for them.  Thursday.  I leave a message for them saying I did so.  Only to have them call back saying they rearranged their work schedule and will keep the 1st appt.  Ugh.  I then get a note from Dr. L saying so and so is available today all day and to make another appt.  Another possible fx.  So I make an appt for today with the same MD as the 1st pt today at 1:45.  Gloria calls the Mom.  Nope can't do.  ARG!!!  Like seriously!  Don't have us making appts if you can't make it!

I've also been having anxiety over another work issue.  Basically an insurance co is giving us the run around and not paying for a claim.  Usually things need to be resolved in 3 months, but it's like 7 now.  I'm preparing for Dr. L to fire me.  Well no...  Just scream at me.  Or more scream at Marna.  Like...  It's my fault, don't blame her.  Yes she's office manager.  But...  I told Marna about it and...  She might just bill the patient in the end.  Honestly take it out of my pay.  I don't really care.

Reddit post.  About a new (?) study once again saying the father has a bigger role on the faith of their children.  But then the 1st comment was from a mother who was all sad that her influence means nothing.  I don't know...  I mean, yes Dad went to church with us and, per Mom it was he who was adamant we went together as a family.  That we went to Catholic school.  But not till late did I really see him pray.  Like growing up I saw the faith of the women in my family.  They were like the model.  Anyway...  I do remember once when we went to Manaoag and we went to that place where you can go behind the altar and touch the statue / pray.  Yeah...  So I went with Dad and I think that was the 1st time I really saw him pray, possibly show emotion?  I miss him.

  • Mom commented on the pictures of 7500centfish's baptism I sent iFamChat.  She said the priest has since left the priesthood and got married.  He is the brother (?) of Tita Stella.
  • A #TwitterSeminarian posted "post em if you got em" in regards to a St. Benedict medal.  So I posted mine to fam chat too.  HAhaha!!!  Please excuse my ratty brown scapular!
  • Fr. I called me Liz again...  But he did greet me a happy anniversary!
  • Part of me wants to get a copy of my baptismal record, but at the same time I'm scared that...  Mom's memory isn't that great and my entire life has been a lie.  HAHAHA!!!  She told me I was baptized a month after my birth years ago.  But now she's saying no, 7500centfish was and I was baptized like 2 weeks later.  She previously also said 7500centfish was baptized at home with said relative priest (Dad's cousin's wife's bother?).  But no, pics show it was at St. E.  And I could have sworn I saw some at least hand written record of my sacraments, but Mom claims there is none.

  • Most stunning image of the Universe.
  • Didn't RT, but...  P.s.  Still alive!
  • catholicism, familiy chat, dream, #twitterseminarian

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