Thursday is turning out to be podcast day?

Jun 30, 2022 20:27

But first!  I was so tired yesterday.  After eating.  I attempted to sit and write up an entry, but I was so tired, I just went up and went to sleep.  I did wake ep around 1AM, but I don't feel like I was up the rest of the night trying to sleep.  I think I did sleep at 3, but was rested when I woke up.

Trying something different.  I bought Gatorade powder and I'm trying to drink that once in a while because...  Despite the amount of "water" I'm drinking, I'm getting foot cramps and feel dehydrated in the AM.

Fr. Mike Schmitz announced next year they are doing Cathecism in a year.  Didn't they announce this already?  I had also previously heard they ran into a block because the USCCB owns the rights to the English (?) translation.  So...  In addition to CIAY they're also releasing their own catechism.  I'm not sure if I'm gonna get their version or just "follow" along with my own.  In all likelihood, I won't read it either way.

Catholic Answers has this regular caller "Ann from Long Island".  OMG!!!  Cute little old lady!  She's protestant, but feel like she's getting closer and closer to Catholicism.  Her main "gripe" is the fact Catholics don't seem to be burning for the bible.  She's talked about being let down by Catholic bible study or trying to get a church group going.  Her last call was about the truth of the Eucharist, like how can we really know...  Anyway...  Like I said, adorbs!  I'd love to know if / when / where she gets fully initiated.  #stalker!

CSYSK had an ep on the origins of the Rosary.  Fr. John said he noticed (? or it was mentioned to him?) that woman have a hard time relating to Mary.  THIS!  But then he says because she's like the perfect example of woman hood and it's hard to live up to that.  Hm...  Not sure if that applies to me.  I always felt I just have a hard time relating to women in general.

Dream.  I was sitting at a table in a casino.  I remember Tito Pecto being there.  Someone hands me a key chain and...  For some reason it took me a while to realize there was a safety deposit key on it and that they wanted me to get something from Tito Manny's combo columbarium / safety deposit box.  As I said, I was in a casino, but they also had said safety deposit boxes / columbaria there.  So I turned around to look for it, but didn't see it immediately behind me.  I was then walking down streets / past houses looking for it.  Soon I backtrack and ask Dad where it is.  He tells me and I mentally see where I need to go / remember I had been there, but didn't see it.  So I go back to where Dad says it is, but then I end up in a house.  There is then a young trad priest following me, that when I open the columbarium he can say a blessing, but...  I kept trying to avoid / lose him.  Me avoid a priest!?!  HAHAHAH!!! The columbarium / safety deposit box obv isn't in someone's house, so I exit out a side door and continue to walk down streets / alleyways.  I don't think I ever found it.  Nor do I know what I was supposed to do at said columbarium / safety deposit box...  cc 7500centfish

For x many years, Dr. L keeps asking me about our time share in North Carolina.  SOUTH!  He then thinks my relatives in Queens live in Elmhurst.  And he keeps thinking I'm on Jardiance.  Like seriously...

takyttik82 texted Fam Chat about the Mets game yesterday.  I'm a bad Mets fan...  Haven't watched a game all season.  Well I saw 1.  But yeah...  I'd "watch" but Mom is watching her shows and the chair blocks the TV anyway.

What if "Matt Maher" is a Yankees fan???  Could be a deal breaker!  HAHAhAHA!!!  Do I have deal breakers?  I mean, other than the obvious inability to be married...

I pretty much finished with Why We're Catholic.  It was nothing I haven't heard from Catholic Answers, but I hope it's helpful to someone...  Anyway, I don't know what I want to read next as "Spiritual Reading".  I have to see what I have laying around / what needs finishing.  Lol...  I thought we were supposed to have a family book club / discussion!

  • Richard and cats!
  • Newly ordained Pappa Benny!
  • Battle Abbey...
  • #stalker, books, podcasts, familiy chat, dream

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