Back in my good graces!

Jun 28, 2022 20:47

Fr. I called me Elizabeth again!  HAHAHAHA!!!  It's his, as the Europeans call it, his Name Day, so I greeted him.  Haha!  I even got Tita Evelyn to pray for him at Mass today!

Mom and I got back from voting.  OMG...  She kept messing up the ballot because she kept voting for more than 1 person per column.  FYI, it's the primary so...  Mom was only allowed to spoil 2 ballots so they got me to assist her.  They should bring the lever machines back!

Dream!  I already hinted to 7500centfish that at the end I was screaming at her.  Anyway...  We were in a hotel, wandering around like we did in Vegas with Jennie.  I remember we had to go somewhere afterward, but since we were wandering around we didn't have time to go back and get Mom.  I then remember being in the room and 7500centfish was getting married.  I don't remember what I asked her, but it had to do something about where the wedding was?  Like not the wedding actual, because obv it would be in the Church, but the reception and 7500centfish misunderstood me she started screaming at me.  I tried to explain she misunderstood, but continued to scream over me.  So...  In return I start to scream at her.  During this time she's semi ignoring me and continues to do things with her friends, like take selfies so I say she cares more about her friends than she does me.  She comments that I'm the golden child.  But then I scream back at her, "I'm just an afterthought!"  That they didn't even bother to fill my baby books, nor take as many baby pictures, etc.  Anyway, way more stuff happened in the dream, but I can't seem to remember any more detail other than the screaming match.

I swear I'm not that weird!  Marna took a pic of me sitting alone at a table eating.  Elliot was across from me on the table.  I probably snapped a food pic with him and didn't bother to put him away.  Anyway...  She sent it to me.  Probably didn't realize Elliot was there, but LOL!  So awkward!  I did an instagram story and used gifs to say "Awkward Lunch Date".  I mean...  People would come up to me asking about Elliot.  Like what is he from.  Is he my lucky charm.  I smile and laugh.  But in all honesty...  He's just a picture proxy.  I mean, I have since gotten a bit of confidence to take selfies, but yeah...  Was not a fan of being in pictures.  And it's more interesting to see than just a plain picture without a human subject if not myself in it.  So...  That's how Elliot became a thing.  The fact I have no shame to bring him to formal parties or let my priest know about him...  I'm just weird.  But like I said, I'm not that weird!

Endo appt yesterday.  She was impressed by my A1c.  5.8.  Asked if I did anything, eat better, exercise.  No?  I told her of my med change, but she was confused.  Said rusovastain is a stronger drug vs atorvastatin.  I told her about my IM / nephro changes.  "At least it's a lower dose."  Will watch if my cholesterol / liver enzymes improve.  She wants to see me in 3 months.

In other news...  Dr. L realized I lost weight.  Asked what I did.  Once again, nothing.  "Can't be!"  I said it's probably just my meds.  "Did you lose your appetite?"  Yes...  Like I said, I didn't even realize I lost weight because I just wear scrubs all the time.

Random notes.

This guy would always show in my instragram feed with the #catholicism hashtag and...  I don't know...  For some reason I was confused.  Like...  He didn't seem to be a priest, yet he was wearing clerical clothing.  Like...  I dunno, something about it made me feel like he was LARPing?  Occasionally or later I saw him in like a sleeved clerical robe, like a deacon.  But still...  Didn't think much of it.  But then this this showed up.  BRB...  😭  FYI...  A priest's hands are anointed and it's wiped clean with a cloth called a  maniturgium.  Traditionally its given to a priest's mother.  That when she dies she is buried with it.  "GOD will tell you, my mother: 'I gave you life. What did you give me?' And with much love the lady will say to him: 'I gave you, Father, my son as your priest'  Blessed be GOD forever!"  😭😭😭

And what is this!?!  Vivaldi was a priest???  According to wiki his priestly duties were dismissed because he kept composing during Mass!  HAHAHAHA!!!

Yesterday's Responsorial Psalm...  🔥🔥🔥

  • catholicism, being a dork, #catholicism, dream, medical

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