Inverse of the seal?

Jun 23, 2022 21:31

I "listened" to a Godspaining ep titled, Anger: Always a sin?  I mean...  I know it's no.  But...  It made me wonder.  Can a priest bring up something he knows about you in confession?  Like...  I posted to instagram that I was listening to it / Fr. I knows I struggle with anger and...  Suppose I mention anger or I don't.  Can he bring it up?  Like you forgot something or...  Didn't you learn anything from listening to that podcast?  Or is that in a sense breaking the seal?  Bringing something outside of confession in.  But like I said, I know not all anger is a sin.  But I've also told him I'm aware most of my sins are venial in nature so...  In all likelihood he won't say anything and just absolve me.  But it did make me wonder.

I forgot tomorrow was a #MeatFriday!  I was gonna make tuna fish tonight.  But then at the same time, I was kinda looking forward to tuna for breakfast and shells for dinner.  Hm...  What will I eat then?

Dream.  Once again, I don't remember the beginning of the dream.  When I was laying in bed going through it to remember it, by the time I opened my eyes the beginning of the dream was forgotten and I only seem to remember the middle and end.  Anyway...  We were in some Air B&B where we rented out a house, but it was connected to 2 other wings that were rented out to other people.  Like...  There was barely anything separating the sections, but we knew not to enter into the other places.  Like I could literally look into a room and saw 2 kids playing video games.  Anyway...  We were there to just hang with 7500centfish, but she was there because she was part of Dana's wedding.  Part of me wanted to crash the actual wedding, like to just go to Mass.  At some point 7500centfish was getting ready and in waiting...  She like invited the wedding party to hang out at the place.  I was then sitting on some bench, like a piano bench, but then I was pushed off by a couple trying to make out.  I remember trying to reach across the table to get something, but then being pushed aside so they can make out on the bench.  I was then in my bedroom trying to hide out and watch TV.  But soon it felt like a night club where there were people everywhere and someone was watching some sporting event on the TV I was trying to watch.  I'm later in some sort of covered porch thing and a woman comes to sit in a chair adjacent to me and for some reason when I talk to her, I accidentally refer to her as Mom and I ask how she tanned so quickly, except her tan was a burn and it was 2 toned.  While sitting there I see a wedding procession pass by and I assume Dana's wedding is starting, but then as it approaches it's just a row of boys in naval uniform, following them is a "Priest" but over his vestments he has on a chasuble which has a fake naval uniform on it.  I then question if he's even Catholic because there was something about it...  Even when he was chanting Latin it felt off / fake.  I was then on a subway platform, except...  I don't even know how to describe it.  It was thinner than an actual platform and you stepped down into a flatbed type of "train".  At some point we go through what seems to be a cat hotel.  An attendant tells us not to move because the cats might jump at us / onto the train.  Another attendant blocks one as a cat jumps toward us.  Another jumps on and I try to stay still so it doesn't scratch me.  I'm then on the train and people are wondering where it is going, whether toward NJ or LI.  I'm trying to make it to Queens because I was annoyed we weren't going to the wedding and were basically at that place for no real reason.  But then when I was on the train I remember we had plans for the next day, so...  Even if I made it to Queens I'd have to make it back to DC I guess?

Random notes.

I wore my rainbow panties to my GYN appt.  Not that my MD would have seen them.  But it reminded me of my other GYN when I first saw him and I was all I don't want to be examined, I wore rainbow socks.  He asked me if they had any meaning.  No.  He then saw my scapular.  "Oh you're that kind."  Yes.  HAHAHAH!!!

There was a huge bug on the outdoor door jam that when I left the house I screamed like a girl, Mom had to come rescue me!  More like...  Give me courage to swat at it with a slipper in my hand.  I immediately flung the slipper to the ground and hopped over the carcass.  LOL!

Someone needs to get the Pope a better wheelchair!  Or at least one in white!

Someone posted on reddit...  Asking if they move do they need to register with their diocese.  No.  It's more you need to register with a parish.  But it made me wonder...  Suppose you live near a border.  Say...  Like takyttik82.  She lives in the DRVC, but A goes to a school and I'm assuming they're registered parishioner in that parish as well?  Who is her Bishop?  I would assume like territorial parish your diocese is the one you reside in regardless of what parish you are registered in.  So...  In the case when Mass was no longer dispensed (is that the term?)...  Like there was a week difference.  DRVC ended the dispensation a week earlier than Brooklyn so...  Even if your "parish" is in Brooklyn you'd have to go to Mass the week before?

I forgot my water in the freezer last night so I had to bring it and extra water to work as I waited for it to thaw...  I actually think I drank more than I usually do.

7500centfish found someone doing an #asiansquat in Walmart.  Except she wasn't Asian and it wasn't in an Asian section...

  • Chaco's Taco!
  • Why the Earth is special...
  • confession, #asiansquat, #meatfriday, podcasts, dream

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