Not feeling it...

Jun 18, 2022 21:28

Was not looking forward to the weekend.  I mean...  There are "joyous" occasions.  Corpus Christi.  Looking forward to Fr. I's epic homily on the True Presence.  Grandma's birthday.  Father's Day...  I didn't feel like celebrating.  I kinda just wanted a quiet weekend at home.  But as suspected sparkyboy came and we'd celebrate Tito Abe, which is fine.  And...  I don't even mind going to the cemetery.  Just...  I don't know.  We visited Grandma / Grandpa and co.  Lol.  I asked where they got the prayer we do at the cemetery.  "The Pieta booklet".  Oh...  [Reddit post]  I mean, I get prayers, any prayer are good, but yeah...  Like I question a lot of the stuff we did in the past.  And I seriously wonder how we didn't become crazy sedes / exclusive TLM goers.  Anyway...  Afterward we went to Dad and before walking in Mom told me to lead.  "I don't want to!  I just want to mourn!"  At his grave Tito Abe did the same and Mom again.  Like seriously...  I just want to sit there and whatever!  I may not cry all the time, but I don't want to be "burdened" with leading prayer.  Just pray and let me do what I need to do!  cc 7500centfish

Went to the mall.  Just sat there mostly.  Well quick trip to Hallmark.

Ate at Red Lobster.  I was thinking of a way to minimize my order.  I just wanted a lobster tail and the garlic shrimp.  If I got the choose two and add a lobster tail it's almost as much as the Seafarer's Feast which included 2 other another shrimp and scallops.  I ended up getting that.  I might just get a lobster tail and potatoes next time we go!  LOL!!!  But yeah, I have my leftovers.  I then got 2 orders of potatoes as my sides.  I'm a fat girl!!!

My over the door towel hook broke.  I thought if we go to Harmons I'd replace it.  But we didn't.  I guess Amazon it is?  Do I need anything else?

New baby priests for the diocese!  I posted to family chat, Tita E commented and I saw it on Mom's tablet, but my tablet is saying it failed to send.  Asking if I want to send again...

  • St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
  • I wander the jewelry section of hallmark and I saw a St. Benedict's Medal, but then the writing on the card it was on was so...  Hippy Dippy...  Like "grasp the medal and breath".  Like stupid breathing exercises to calm yourself / align yourself with God.  The thing is, it's put out by a trad apostolate.  So it confused me.
  • prayer, scissors, buy me stuff, private kinda

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