It's kinda chilly...

Jun 19, 2022 13:56

I wanted to go out and tan, but it's a tad bit chilly.  It's OK in the sun, until the wind blows.  Brr...  But then sparkyboy says I'm already brown...

Posted to instagram this AM.  I had something in my drafts all ready for Grandma and Dad, but then I thought of something I wanted to do in church before doing Dad's.  Either way...  When I went to post my drafts they were deleted.  So I changed the grandma pic to a combo bday greeting / father's day.  I posted a pic of us kids, 7500centfish, geebs and Aaron in the backyard with Grandma and Grandpa.  I guess instagram no longer lets you tag people unless you are mutual follows?  Well not mutual, because I don't follow 7500centfish with that account, yet I'm able to tag her.  But not geebs.

Got to church and said "hi to our candle".  I brought a pic of Dad to take a pic with the candle.  I said a little prayer.  Semi paranoid because someone was praying there as well and someone came out of the offices to walk through.  I don't think it was Fr. I...

Mass.  Fr. I gave his epic homily on the True Presence.  Lol.  Not really.  He talked about a Eucharistic miracle in Orvieto.  How the priest didn't believe in the True Presence and the host began to bleed and bled onto the...  He used a C word (Corporal!), like the cloth which they put under the Eucharist.  I was never an altar server so...  They said it's processed on Corpus Christi.  He also talked of the tradition of Eucharistic processions on Corpus Christi and that we'd do the same.  Not his exact words, but he said we are privileged to received Christ in the Eucharist.  That he came to us this way.  Not exatly epic or mind blowing but...  God is good!  🙌

I then tried to post an instagram story with Matt Maher's Adoration Live.  But the places where it cuts off is so off putting!

In other other news...  "Matt Maher" totally checked out my car!  I would have said hi, if he looked at me and not my car...  Lol!  I then met up with him on the way out of church.  He takes a longer route to get back onto WH Rd.  He turned while Mom and I went to "Rite Aid".

I asked the tech if I could return meds.  He said no, but Grace was in earshot so...  It's only 10 bucks, each...

I then got gas.  Yikers!  Just under $70!

I was hungry, kinda wanted just a sandwich, but then...  I was hungry, so I got the Big Breakfast again, even when I told Mom I wasn't.  So she'll have her hotcakes for the week.  We have so much leftovers though!

My one note...  They had ordinations yesterday.  Our seminarian did the readings...

As I said I would, I posted this to family chat.  Yeah, basically same thing happened to me.  I had a profound experience of God in the Eucharist and my life was forever changed.

Another youtube vid.  Searching for Bobby Fischer.  Turns out he's now married to someone who was on The Amazing Race?  Doesn't look familiar to me.  Maybe before I really started watching.

  • I love being Catholic!
  • 15.  But some are weird.  Like the Grand Canyon.  "Google" is giving me both it is and isn't part of the Grand Canyon.  And what Riverwalk?  We went to one in San Antonio, but I'm pretty sure New Orleans had one too.  Google says Chicago as well.
  • st e, prayer, private kinda, familiy chat

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