Dana saw my toilet selfie.  Lol!

Jun 17, 2022 21:19

Or as she calls it my special seat.  HAHAHAHA!!!  I worked till 6:30 today, so 7500centfish asked me if I was home yet.  I then sent her my toilet selfie.

I was scheduled for Sat, but my nephro called me like Wednesday night asking to reschedule to today.  I then had to ask Marna yesterday to see if I can make it, otherwise, I'd suspect I couldn't be seen till next month.  He didn't really comment on much other than my spec grav is better, but still high.  It had been 1.013.  Now it's 1.025.  I honestly don't think he was paying attention to my history and was just looking at my current labs.  He then said I really need to go to the urologist.  But...  Ugh...  I really don't want a camera shoved up my urethra if I'm awake.  I told him about my med change and...  He changed them again!  Instead of atorvastatin he wants me on crestor.  Same class, different drug.  He also doesn't want me taking the additional med Dr. B rx'd.  Semi annoyed because I just got a 3 month supply.  I wonder if I can return the unopened bottles.  Either way, Dr. P says crestor is better on my kidneys than atorvastatin.  He also said I shouldn't take Tylenol anymore.  NO!!!  As I've said, I just feel it works better on my headaches.  Muscle aches / cramps is a different story.  But...  Yeah, I don't know how I feel about that.  In addition he thinks the blood in my urine might just be kidney damage, even when my labs look normal, but he just wants to rule out the bladder thing.  Because...  You can't replace the bladder like you can other organs.  I follow up in 6 weeks.  cc 7500centfish

Random podcast comments.

Clerically Speaking.  They were talking about their parishes.  Fr. Anthony was told he needs to step it up.  Fr. Harrison talked of having many families and there are like so few priest spread out in Canada.  Fr. Anthony was from a parish that had like 5 combine.  And...  I know a lot of the churches combining are because they used to be ethnic parishes, which are no longer divided by ethnicity so some close, combine.  Like...  There were literally churches across the street or a block away from each other.  I wonder if we, my actual parish is close to that sort of thing.  My previous pastor went to a parish out east and a year later it merged with another.  We have about 3.5K families and 1 priest.  But it seems like so many parish around have more than 1 priest.  I wonder if it's like because of need or...  Like are they assigned or does the pastor request it?  Yes we have occasional priests that help out, but they're actually assigned to other parishes.  Fr. Eric actually lives in Dr. L's parish church.  But then the history of my parish is it split from St. H which split from St. P because of a population explosion.  Like...  Will we eventually reconsolidate?  Are we still sustainable?  Like...  I have nothing to compare it to.  But the fact we are able to raise $x for parish improvements in a short amount of time and supplement another parish's pantry...  At the end of the day, I think the parish belongs to the people.  As long as it can maintain itself it should be fine?

Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World from last week was interesting.  It started off with how this guy's parapsychology "ghost hunting"...  I don't want to say business...  Is different from TV shows like Ghost Hunters.  I admit I used to watch that show all the time.  But it's basically TV.  He talked how he knew someone that basically refused to do the show because 1.  He wouldn't be paid and 2.  He was asked if he'd fake evidence for dramatic purposes.  He said no.  Said the Ghost Hunters like the actual guys were paid by Roto Rooter, their day jobs because of product placement, other than that they weren't paid.  He said a lot of it is background info like looking into the history of the house, interviewing people.  Plus its always in the day unless the spirit manifests itself only at night.  There was a part I was like...  Uh...  That doesn't sound Catholic.  Like, Jimmy usually puts like a Catholic twist to things, but the fact he was interviewing someone and not like telling a story, he didn't get into that.  But he was talking about Housewarmings and he was talking about people rubbiing his wall and transferring positive energy.  Talking about psychics and house cleansings.  Uh...  Anyway, the thing that was interesting...  Basically this family moved into a house, felt it was haunted.  Saw an elderly couple on their porch every evening.  Later a ghost baby played with her and her kids.  Searching the house history, they discovered a family down the street was related to the builder.  Discovered the baby that was visiting them was their elderly aunt who was still alive!  She was dying of cancer and in her almost coma like states she'd dream of seeing a young woman and playing with her as a baby.  She then recognized the mother when they met and was also able to name her children.  Say what!?!  Yeah, never heard of like live apparitions.

Marna was playing CCM this AM.  I waited till she left the room to start listening to my podcast because I knew she'd turn it off.  I fast from music on Fri, but I semi welcomed different CCM even if it wasn't Matt Maher.

podcasts, st e, medical

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