I want a coffee...

Jun 10, 2022 20:10

But I'm supposed to be fasting for my blood work tomorrow.  I also want to listen to music, but like I've said, I "fast" from music on Fridays.  The struggle is real!!!

Tomorrow is my coworkers' graduation party.  Marna invited Mom.  And...  In a sense, I don't want her to come because I know it will lead to questions from Dr. L about her health.  He already tried to convince me Mom has x issue.  So yeah, I'd rather avoid that.  Mom said it depends on if Cathy wants her to do something.  I, on the other hand...  1.  I won't go to the mall if they come.  Because I'm not gonna eat out with them.  2.  Do I go with mid calf, just above the knee or full length, in terms of leg wear.  Keep in mind, it's with work people.  But it's also a graduation party and not a summer party exactly.  Plus I think it's will be mid to upper 70s?  Then what top?


We took a family pic and I just remember just as we were taking it 7500centfish blocked Mom, but then when I mentioned it she was like whatever, good enough.  I then saw the picture and like we were all unprepared and in awkward poses / had weird faces.

I then had a dream where I think I was in school and I was moving into an apartment with classmates.  But instead of cutting costs and rooming together we all took separate rooms.  I was then thinking...  Like I could room with takyttik82, who was my classmate as well as a cousin and 2 guys could room together too.  But then I thought, is there at least a communal place we can study so we're not distracted by our rooms.  Would the landlord give us an extra room that wasn't in use to study, etc.  It then felt like the same dream, but I was now at Queens and we were coming out of the house to take a road trip.  durlxnemesis then ran in and out of the house to get something.  I go into the car and someone is in the middle seat of the van and I go into the back seat.  sparkyboy is in the drivers.  I then make a comment wondering where durlxnemesis was because as I said, he ran in and out of the house to get something.  But thinking back...  Who was in the middle seat if not durlxnemesis?  I then made a comment about he's supposed to go on some other trip at another point so maybe that's why he can't come now.

Catholic Answers...  Someone called about his father having a death bed conversion, but he doesn't remember there being confession.  A conditional baptism was done, so they said if he had never been validly baptized the baptism would have washed his sins away.  So in that case there, in normal circumstances, should have been confession as well.  But he also said his father, even when he was conscious couldn't really express himself more than make signals of agreement, so...  He might not have been able to verbally confess to begin with.  So the answer was Anointing should also forgive sins.  Now...  I've heard that before.  But then why does "last rites" include confession, Eucharist and anointing?  As I've said, I always worry...  Especially in regards to Grandpa.  The fact yes he was baptized Catholic, but he wasn't practicing.  And yes, he received last rites, but I don't think he was conscious when it occurred so...  Per Mom Dad received last rites too and...  I wasn't there so I don't know what was done exactly.  So yeah...  In a sense, my mind is put to ease.  But at the same time, there is always worry.

There was also a question about white mobile homes being outside of Catholic schools back in the days.  The guy asked if it was for religious education and having something to do with the separation of Church and State.  But if it's religious ed outside of Catholic school...  At least with personal experience, I think it was like I guess it's what they call Early Intervention now?  Like...  My classmate use to go to extra classes in one because he had ADHD.  I think ESL classes took place there too.  And I think, at least the former is through the school district and not the Catholic school itself?  But yeah, they couldn't really provide an answer because they weren't sure.

My coworker has been in and out all week.  Turn out she had a burst ovarian cyst.  Owie!  But then since the new semester is starting in Aug...  Everyone has AM classes so Marna needs to find someone new either way.  But then again it's the PMs that are busy.  But then...  That's the only time I can really make phone calls and the like because in the PM I'm doing billing stuffs.

  • Fish.
  • France before...

    I might head up "early" and use my desktop and update my music files even when I can't listen to them.  HAHAHAHA!!!  I want to DL a live version of a Matt Maher song and put it on my playlist.
  • catholicism, podcasts, private kinda, dream

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