Mom watching...

Jun 11, 2022 21:23

I want to go up, but Mom was hypo when I got home from Dr. L's and I'm "watching" her till she gets up to take her meds at 9 or so...  So tired.

Anyway, I just got back, well an hour or so ago from Dr. L's.  Celebrated Gloria and Vanessa's graduations.  Gloria from Community college, Vanessa from HS.  How does she have 20 credits already???  Anyway...  I showed up just after 3 and...  I mean, Vanessa's mother was there to prep and Gloria's mother had left from prepping to change, but...  I pretty much was the only one there out of my coworkers for almost an hour.  Can I leave now?  Marna was coaxing me to eat, but I said I'd wait.  Vanessa finally showed with her father so we started.  I then awkwardly sat alone under the gazebo while everyone else sat on the porch.  After I ate, I joined them.  By then Gloria and her fam showed up.  I chatted with her mother a bit, but then everyone reverted to Spanish...  Marna then coaxed us to play games.  Volley ball, which turned to badminton.  I only played the former.  Marna tried to play board games or whatever you call card games but not like traditional card games, but people quickly lost interest in that and reverted to sports.  Gloria then had to leave abruptly and after we had finished a game of volleyball I was ready to book it.  I started getting food for Mom, but then Marna wanted to take pics.  They tried to get Gloria back, but she wasn't coming so I said my goodbyes and left after the pics.  Is it weird I did a side hug / cheek kiss to everyone?  Including the covering MD's son and my coworker's father?

When I got home, Mom was just sitting in her chair staring into space.  I handed the mail to her and she reacted, saying she thought she was hypo.  So I made her a plate, soda.  Feels better now, but she's asleep again.  She said she didn't sleep last night and was sleeping when I left so I left her sleeping.  She might have been asleep since I went up around 11 or 12?  I mean...  It wasn't as bad as when I found her on the floor or when she was walking around confused.  But I'll watch her for a bit.  cc 7500centfish

I need to drink more water, but I'm so bloated!

Anyway...  As I said, my coworker already has 20 college credits and...  Not to knock her but she doesn't seem to be the over achiever type?  Well no...  I mean, she's a good worker and all, just she doesn't give off a geeky vibe.  So I wondered aside for AP courses how does one earn college credits.  I honestly don't remember college courses being offered at St. A.  Like...  The actual course, I don't deny it did.  At least with AP you needed to score a certain grade on the exam to qualify for 2 credits at the most.  I didn't...  But looking at the school profile it also offered University credits, which weighted the same as AP and College credit which weight the same as honors courses.

There was a post on news 12.  In was in reference to a Jeopardy question about Museum Row being in Garden City when it's actually in Uniondale.  The news 12 article mentioned racism because Garden City is the rich white area when Uniondale is the poorer area.  But it made me wonder...  Not like there is a huge demographic difference with M / DH...  Lol, there was that one meme where it called "M... is the HSta of DH but wayyyy whiter and less threatening."  HAHAHAH!!!  And what of my church?  It's next to St. A which is SH, while my church is M.  Is M "richer" than SH or vice versa?

I then saw a vid about Old Navy wanting to be inclusive, but then they overstocked on extremely small / plus size clothing.  But then someone was complaining about low rise returning, which is geared toward thin people.  Uh...  I dunno.  I like low rise, I've always like low rise.  I just think jeans covering your belly is weird.  I'd rather have low rise and a bigger shirt than high rise and a smaller shirt.

And Georgia is in Asia???  I thought it was Eastern European.  One of my Med School profs was from there.  I think he taught BioChem?

Youtube.  Reaction to Airplane.  They seem so confused...

I learned you're supposed to rip and dip pupusas.  Marna was trying to make a taco.

7500centfish made spisagna, but it's just sitting in the fridge...

Went for my blood draw this AM.  When I did my customary Dunkin Donuts run, when I inserted my card, I noticed blood on my hand...  Then on my hoodie.  OMG!  My arm was gushing!  Well, not gushing.  But...  Yeah, I had to hold my arm up to stop the bleed as I was waiting for my food.  Woops.

  • Sad.
  • I didn't even have to listen to the vid to name that tune!  I seriously could hear it through Tom's mannerisms.  I guess they're doing Forest Tour 2.0?
  • If I ever get married...  Also pre wedding confession!  I've literally heard of Bachelor / Bachelorette "parties" where they go to adoration / have a priest hear confession.  I've also heard to pre ordination / consecration Bachelor / Bachelorette parties too, so...
  • I might do this now...
  • private kinda, discernment, medical

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