"Welcome back!"

Jun 05, 2022 12:47

Hahaha...  I love my parish!  Mom and I left for church regular time and when we got to church someone was in our seat!  So Mom and I sat in the back pew...  But then the woman stood up, took her purse, so I took it upon myself to sweep in and take out seat back.  Mom said, "Did she leave?"  "She took her purse!"  Later I see she had sat back where were had first sat.  HAHAHAhA!!!  I was thinking of saying hi to our candle again.  But then didn't...  I turned to look for some reason and saw Fr. I in the corner of my eye.  He then said, "Welcome back!"  But then talked to a man sitting behind us.  But yeah...  Had I gone to see our candle we would have bumped into each other or I might have walked into him praying.  "Matt Maher" (I don't care!  He's still "Matt Maher"!) sat "next to me".  HAhaha...  Well there was an aisle between us.  Just leaving room for the Holy Spirit!  😅  HAHAHAHA!!!

Deacon P did the homily.  The people behind me commented that Fr. I hasn't preached in a while.  At the end they said it was 17 minutes.  His Homily today didn't seem too "groundbreaking".  He mentioned looking at the world, worrying about the Church.  What can we do to change it?  Nothing, but the Holy Spirit can.  He then mentioned calling on the Holy Spirit in daily life, making decisions.  And like I said...  He often says too much at one time, so when that homily was over, he started his 2nd homily on how Mary is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit working in others.  How to use her as an example, promoted his Monday night Rosary, etc.

We had a confirmation.  🔥

Afterward went to the Bagel place to get bagels for the week.  Wasn't in the mood for a bagel, so I got a Sausage, egg, cheese on a roll.  Knowing I'd still be hungry.  Got my drink from Dunkin Donuts.

Mom is watching her soaps off the DVR.

Bought groceries off Amazon, except there were no slots avail for free delivery until 10PM to 12AM or 6AM to 8AM tomorrow, so I opted for the latter.  Hopefully it will come closer to 6 than to 8.  I just need sugar for my coffee.  Mom might have to unload it all.

Might tan today.

  • I tried to catch up to all the vids I missed while we were away, but I fell asleep by the 3rd vid (of 11).  Woops.
  • I have to watch Tribal People try Filipino Food.  I think they're...  Muslim and don't eat pork / beef.  So that's a problem.  Lol.  When ever they try "burgers" it's always a Chicken sandwich in actual.  cc 7500centfish

  • Lol...  I was intending to wear a rando pink polo, but then it's Pentecost.  I had to dig deep in my closet to find a red polo!  HAHAHAHA!!!  Come Holy Spirit!  I then asked Fam Chat if they wore red, "Nah."  Jhumna posted a Filipino flag???

    Mom is snoring!
  • st e, buy me stuff, familiy chat, sunday mass tweet

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