Vegas in 3 entries

Jun 04, 2022 22:01

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 / Time: 5:51 P.M. (Las Vegas time) / 8:51 P.M. NY / Mood: tired. / Song: Theresa snoring. / Book: The Clocks.

In Las Vegas!

I honestly feels like a day ago we left home...  Anyway, I had very little sleep.  I had tried to do my sleep at 8 and wake up at 2, but I ended up sleeping around 12 and woke up just before 3.  I then showered, finished packing and threw out random suggestions for things to bring aside from the suggestions 7500centfish and kumquatqueen made.  The cab was supposed to pick us up at 5, so Mom insisted on waiting outside for it.  So...  All the people who park and ride in our street know that no one is home or that we left with suitcases for who knows how long...  The taxi then didn't show till almost 5:30.  I called them around 5:12 and they said someone was on their way, they were running late.  Maybe 5 mins later someone called me saying they'd be there soon.  But like I said, no one came till 5:30.  The guy then apologized saying he had to come in on his off day and someone was the closest driver, yet flaked out.  Mom had intended to tip him $20, but we decided on 15 instead.  We then took the LIE, NSP / GC...  I was beginning to worry that he was mistaken and taking us to LGA.  But no, he went down the Cross Island / SSP / Belt.  Weird...  But that's what his GPs said and we got to the airport around 6:20.  OMG...  Freaking horrible!  Jet Blue was all self serve which...  I guess I could navigate on my own, but the fact I had Mom to take care of.  And...  How am I supposed to know how to tag my bags on my own!?!  Like...  I remember people putting little stickers on the bag aside from the label.  Then there is another sticker that you take with you.  But which is which!?!  I didn't even weigh my bag at the airport.  Mom was fiddling with her ID the guy was like just give me your boarding pass, but Mom kept looking for her ID.  Then...  No one told us how to get a wheel chair.  There was no check in counter that normally handles that.  They made us stand by a wall till someone came to pick us up.  But once we got someone...  It was pretty quick and they got us through quickly, so no complaints on that end.  I had no clue Mike worked there so he was able to get a wheelchair past security and pushed Mom himself.

I was discontent with breakfast.  I wanted like bacon eggs and the like, but I just ended up getting deli sandwiches / bottled coffee.  I got 2 liters of water and drank 1.5ish on the plane.  Mom took the rest.  Lol...  We also went grocery shopping and calculated I needed to drink 1.6 gallons for the time we're here.  I did my breviary in the airport gate.  A lot of the plane ride was being half asleep, listening to my podcasts.  Did my BIAY / homilies mostly.  Matt Maher.  I read my Edmund Campion for the day.  Stared reading The Clocks.

OMG...  I had to pee for hours, but didn't want to wake the guy in the aisle seat.  So at one point when he did wake up I was immediately up.  Mom went too.

Mike brought us to the hotel.  Went around in circles trying to find the parking garage.  Turns out it's Valet only.  Jennie met with us.  Dropped off our bags.  Went to eat.  Eye-talion.  I had lasagna, even when I was craving a burger...  It was good though.  They ordered communal oysters.  I have this thing about eating shellfish (muscle?) out of shells.  I feel like they're gritty / have sand in them.  I'll eat them cleaned and chopped.  They also ordered communal risotto.  Everyone was praising it so I tried a spoonful.  Not impressed.  We're supposed to go out for dinner again.  But the time we ate lunch was pretty much dinner time in NY so I'm content.  But...  As Mom said, if we go out, she'll come to.  I just don't know if I should take my meds now or if we go out again.  Mom and 7500centfish are asleep.

As I said, we went to buy my water.  Smiths.  When I was getting the generic water I put it down to get a more name brand, but then noticed it said Kroger on it.  Ooh...  Can I use my Kroger card???  I did!  I didn't get a discount or anything.  But yeah!  Lol...

OMG!  My eyes are so red.  Mom said because they are dry.  But it's making my eyes tear up / nose drip.  Ugh.  Maybe I need to invest in eye drops.  Also thinking of getting wet naps instead of hand sanitizer spray.

For some reason I can't log into the wifi.  I mean, I can't get the authorization page, so...  I might not be able to post this right now.

Oh yeah, Elliot made it successfully through security with the holy water bottle!  It did leak thought?

Friday, June 3, 2022 / Time: 8:30 P.M. / Mood: dorky. / Song: Theresa on the phone. / Book: Edmund Campion.

My priest saw me in a bathing suit.  BRB dying!!!  We went to their house yesterday so I was taking pool selfies and took one to view the pool and the cypreses in the back.  But then we were making fun of Tita Carmen sitting by herself on a deck chair and I noticed she and 7500centfish in the background of my pic.  Fr. I hasn't been checking my instagram stories so I thought I'd be safe.  Nope.  HAHAHHA!!!

Anyway haven't written in a while.  I still don't have wifi on the laptop so it will probably all get edited / posted when I get home, proper.  It "connects" but never give me the "login" page.

Where did I leave off???

Oh yeah, Wednesday was the graduation.  We were told of certain restrictions for the venue, so Jennie had to buy a new purse to fit those restrictions.  7500centfish had to buy shoes.  I...  Ended up not bringing my bag and just brought my eyeglass case with my glasses and sun glasses, rosary, Elliot and my tablet.  OMG!  When we got to security, apparently they were letting in coffee and water, but not tea, etc.  So Mom and I had to chug our drinks before entering.  Then, they wouldn't let my tablet in!  What!?!  Mike had to end up coming out and putting it in the car.  Woops.  Anyway, they were all pissed.

Matthew is a geek.  Lol.  Multiple honors, top 10%.  We're not sure, but it seemed like people could have been sitting via rank or alphabetical.  7500centfish then made a comment she remembers having to hand a card with her name and something about it must be alphabetical, but I'm like...  I sat via rank.  I think I was number 74 of 444.  I was then on the principals list for having a weighted average of 94.45.  HAHAHHA!!!  There were 2 others after me if I remember correctly.

After the grad we were shoved out, found each other in the...  Wasn't even a parking lot, just a random alleyway around the MGM and split up till "lunch".  As I said, I pared down to a few things.  Got my tablet back from Mike, then we headed back to get my meds / purse, etc.  The greeting cards.

Ate at Carmine's in Caesar's Palace.  I choose the lasagna, otherwise everything would have been shrimp or without meat.  Mike said good choice.  The shrimp parm was good...  We also ordered a Caesar salad, calamari.  Good.

They keep asking / Mike keeps suggesting places he wants to bring us.  But...  We're just so tired.  I'm still on NY time even when it's our last day.  I've been waking up at 3:40 here to do my morning prayer.  Getting food after my prayer, etc.  Then Eric needs to study so aside from the Graduation he's been holed up in their room.  Jennie's been out to eat with us for breakfast.  I mentioned to 7500centfish this side of the family is way different from the other where Tita Cora (?) had to come to a random fast food restaurant to watch us eat just cause.

Thursday, we met up with Jennie to eat (second) breakfast at EggSlut.  Went to Walgreens to get supplies for Mom.  We then split from Jennie.  Did some mall walking and waited for the ABC store to open.  So disappointed they didn't have my chocolate covered pineapple.  Just got macadamia nuts.  Pineapple chewy things.  They good.

Afterward we met up with the Aunts before heading to Mike and Mia's and watched Mom work out her arm.  Lol.  I think her most win was 1440 credits...  In the penny slots!

We then went to Mike and Mia's.  Watched them finish cooking.  Hung out by the pool.  So cold!!!  Spent most of the time, which wasn't much in the hottub.  All I really wanted to do was tan.  That didn't happen.  :(  We left there around 9PM (LV).  That was way past my bedtime.  After praying I zonked out.

Michael brought us back before heading to work.  He works for Amazon.  OMG...  Crazy.  He was basically talking about how his dept (Returns) is so toxic, stealing projects, being cut throat.  People getting moved around as punishment.  But the pay seems good.  Lol.

We're checking out today, hanging out at their place again till our flights.  Mike wants to bring us some place in the jeep.  I might need to freshen up before the flight.

Maybe I should start parking?

Saturday, June 4, 2022 / Time: 7:41 P.M. / Mood: drained. / Song: Mom cooking.


I feel oddly exhausted.  All I want to do is sleep.

I don't know where to start.  Today?  Where I left off?

What did I even last write?  I haven't been able to post anything and I've started entries only to be interrupted...

Yesterday we checked out then headed over to Mike and Mia's.  We had lunch...  Leftovers.  I ate some paella and calamari.  7500centfish had told them I don't eat meat on Friday, so they offered to have me finish the rest of the calamari.  No one asked why and I thought if asked I'd say, "It's a Catholic thing."  But it's not like everyone else isn't Catholic.  Fast forward to dinner...  They cooked steaks!  I mean, yum, but honestly not as tempting as the spisagna.  I had cocktail shrimp and corn.

As I said, Mike brought us off roading.  It was like 30 mins away up a mountain / camping area.  We then walked a bit to see some springs.  OMG...  I was regretting my life decisions!  HAHAHAHA!!!  That being said, I'll complain all the way up / down, but at the end of the day I enjoy myself.  As predicted I felt gross.  But there wasn't really much time to clean myself up after dinner.  I mean, I changed my clothes, combed my hair, popped on some deodorant and body spray, but I still felt gritty and gross.

Mike dropped us off at the airport.  He works there, so he gave us tips / directions to get through security / to the gate.  Like he told us to not even wait for an escort, but to get a chair ourselves.  But then I was concerned about getting Mom onto the plane.  Like...  We weren't registered with them so no one was gonna come and bring Mom and assist her.  Like I couldn't just jump in line by myself and bring her on.  But 7500centfish talked to a guy who happened to be Filipino.  Could have fooled me!  And 7500centfish followed in toe and helped getting us and 2 other people through.  He then left saying he voted to Duterte, because he fixed his local neighborhood for the better.

I mostly slept on the flight.  It was uncomfortable and I kept waking up like every hour.

Mom wasn't sure they would come today.  They had said last week they probably wouldn't because we'd be asleep.  But they came and Mom wanted to hang with them.  I was indifferent.  I power napped a bit before they came, then finally showered!  I caught up / finished Edmund Campion.  Not what I was expecting, but I still liked it.  We ate at Shake Shack.  I think it might become our default with Applebees being closed.  Meh...  I had a hot dog.  Wasn't hungry.  Didn't even get fries.  Oh yeah, I did also get a large Starbucks coffee.  Did a #selfie #photodump as I waited for them.  Lol...  I did include a bathing suit pic.  I'm like...  Hey, I like it!  If I'm scandalizing you that's your issue, not mine.  Like oMG...  I'm showing shoulder.

That reminds me...  The Aunts said goodbye to me calling me sexy.  I gave them a face.  As I said, I didn't purposely lose weight, nor do I want to regain it.  But yeah...  I don't handle complements well.  Not that I think I'm sexy either.  Like OK, call me skinnier, but sexy???

7500centfish took a pic of me doing an #asiansquat in front of a Buddha statue in Jennie's hotel lobby.  I laughed that Fr. I faved all my other posts that day except that.  HAHAHA!!!

We then went farm stand shopping.  I got Mom her nanners.  I got lace cookies.  Tita Nette got cherries.  Tita E bought a flat (?) of flowers.  Later went to another farm stand and she got a hanging plant.  Tita Neng was annoyed because she's constantly over exerting herself when she's sick.  I mean...  If I was sick, I might not have the energy, but I'd do my best to do the things I enjoy.

In other news...  Mom is mad.  Found out 7500centfish went to Chicago not really as a stop over, but to stay for some amount of time.  The Aunts then keep asking me how long she is staying, etc.  I dunno!  We don't talk.  7500centfish certainly doesn't tell me her plans.  Tita Neng then said at least we text each other not like her 2 sons.  cc geebs sparkyboy

  • It all makes sense now!
  • takyttik82 told us to save the date.  I guess she's celebrating her 40th?  Yikes we're all getting old!

  • Fascinating cultural differences.  P.s.  It's a spoof of a map asking if they'll offer food to visitors.
  • Bishop Barron was named a big boy bishop!  People wonder what this means for WOF.  There has recently been a "scandal" in regards to a former employee.
  • Inside of you are two...
  • TRO bday spam post.  A thread.
  • Pray for Halvdan...

    OK...  Gonna try to condense 3 or so entries...
  • #selfie, medical, trips, #asiansquat, private kinda, buy me stuff, scissors, #photodump, being a dork

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