What is this feeling???  Am I jealous?

Jun 06, 2022 20:17

Just read an announcement from Bro. D, the principal of St. A's saying the Fr. Michael is leaving and Fr. I is replacing him.  Now...  I know he's not leaving as pastor.  But...  I don't know how I feel about this.  I get they are all buddy buddy and the brothers come to Mass on Sat evening.  But his (Fr. I's) priority should be to us, his parish.  How much time is spent being a HS chaplain?  He used to be there, but he wasn't a Pastor.  And I think he still has duties at the Diocese, the tribunal, etc, yet he doesn't have time to deal with me and my issues!?!  LOL!  But seriously...  I imagine he'll bring in people to help, more so than he does now, which is rare.  Just be orthodox!

I did tan.  I thought it wasn't much, but then when I look off my band aids I can see a little color.  More so when I woke up this AM.  My shoulder looks red, but I don't feel burnt.

So with tanning I read.  Reading The Clocks, Agatha Christie.  I'm confused...  Is the person the girl ran into randomly in the street a police sergeant?  But then he's there "randomly" looking for something to do with a number and a crescent, seems to be some spy thing.  So he's not a sergeant for the Inspector that's working the case?  So confused...  But yeah, it seems interesting at this point otherwise.

Found out it was Tita Tessie (Mark and Mae's Mom) that invented spisagna.  Jennie then wanted it so she made Tita Carmen make it.  Then Lita Mia made it while we were there.  So I told 7500centfish she needs to learn to make it because all the other branches of the fam have theirs.  She said she'd work on it.

It reminded me of when Tita Carmen made it for me when they were living here, but then...  I ate it once and it disappeared.  Supposedly I don't like left overs?  More like...  I don't like to eat food that has been sitting out for hours, but OK.

Dream.  I was taking a test in a cafeteria and we could see outside through a glass wall.  There was a couple sitting outside and they were fighting.  All of a sudden the woman had a sledge hammer and was threatening the guy with it.  She then swung it at him and it was more like an ax and chopped him up.  She had then somehow come into a side entrance and was in the cafeteria.  I remember just staying at my desk trying to ignore / continue my test, but also thinking...  I can't believe this is happening to me.  Eventually we all scattered.  I was then surprised the entire school was under a lock down / we had all been released at the same time.  We tired to find an exit afraid there were other people, that we'd be attacked as we exited.  I was then with a group of people who decided to exit out of a high, but small window.  We pushed someone up to it and they were able to fit through.  So we all exited.  We were then out in the street and ended up hiding behind cars to get away.

When we were at the graduation 7500centfish wondered about the Principal's colors.  I don't remember exactly, but it was odd where the main color was blue and not black.  So I wondered if...  In the event we needed to go to a graduation / be in the ceremony, do we have our hoods, gowns?  Do people borrow them?  Rent?  Buy?  Keep them???  I'm sure I have them all, but I couldn't tell you where right now.

I then also wondered...  Do priests graduate?  Like they obviously get degrees.  An MDiv is the main one, but some go on to further education.  Like do they walk in a graduation ceremony even when ordination trumps all that.

Back at work.  Didn't really discuss it much.  I think Dr. L is under the impression we went there to gamble / hang on the strip, even when he knows I have family there.  Marna didn't ask to see pics, but I separated them into a separate folder if she asks.

  • I texted 7500centfish and kumquatqueen about their Easter decorations...  Ginger had better been wearing those bunny ears the whole time!  HAHAHA!  7500centfish then sent a pic of Elaine's dog, Trini.  I mean...  Unless it's short for Trinity, does not count!  Lol.
  • Mom greeted fam chat with a Marian Feast.  I then commented if it was new because I didn't see it mentioned in my Breviary, nor my Missal.  Tita Neng said it's in her Magnificat and Tita E's "Living with Christ."  I guess it means my books are older than 2018?  I think I started praying the hours around that time.  When is the new translation coming out?
  • I have a rash on my belly.  Seems to be concentrated around one of my surgical scars.  I remember being itchy in LV, but I was irritated in general.  But then yesterday I noticed a rash.  It seems better with benadryl cream.  I don't want to use my steroid cream on it just yet.  It tends to quickly dry / leave a mark for a bit.  Or if anything I might use hydrocotisone.

    Oh yeah, just remembered...  "Matt Maher" uses some sort of subscription Missal.  He also doesn't do the Oran's posture.  So far that's 2 checks on the pro list.  HAHAHAH!!!
  • books, st e, private kinda, dream, medical

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