Apr 03, 2022 19:34
I'm confused... Marna texted me last night, on Dr. L's phone to text him if anyone calls with the number and issue. I mean... In previous years he told me not to answer and just let them leave a message. I call them when I get back to the office. Like does he want to me to actually call these people back and triage them? Not like I can give them meds over the phone. What if it's Spanish??? But seriously... Why are they having me call back patients on the weekend? I then took the phone out of the kitchen because Mom keeps asking if that's Dr. L calling. The office phone is fowarded...
Church. Very good homily today. Fr. I talked of commitment. To your job, family, spouse. He pointed out an engaged couple that was in attendance that they were even holding hands at the moment. He then talked of commitment to the spiritual life. It is difficult. We do not know the circumstances of the woman in todays gospel, what drove her to commit illegal acts. She was so close to death. There are always moments in life where we're close. But then someone pulls us aside sets us straight. Jesus did not condemn the woman. Nor did he tell her to "go home, have some pancakes, you had a hard day." No... He invited her to make a commitment, to "sin no more." He said Lent is a time to make a commitment toward the spiritual life. He also mentioned Jesus writing in the ground. Many speculate what he was writing. But Fr. I took it to be a pause, to think, to formulate a response before speaking and acting. We need to do the same.
That young family which I previous commented on was in attendance, but with the Grandparents. And... :') The Grandmother was talking to them through the Mass teaching them, telling them to look at the Eucharist. YES!!! I mean... Yes, they were squirmy, but... 👏👏 Love it.
That being said... I wonder if I've changed. Not that kids annoyed me in the past, but I definitely had trouble focusing. But yeah, at this point it's basically cute / not an issue. During communion the brother stayed seated while the Grandmother brought the 2 girls with her. One of them waves back to the brother. HAHAHA!!! Too cute!
Wasn't feeling bagels, but got them for the week. I ended up getting an egg sandwich on a roll. And... It was good, but not as filling. I also got Dunkin Donuts for Mom. She will make it her breakfast since I didn't get my pancakes. Lol... Guy at bagel place misheard my name and was chatting with me about The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. He said he just imagined everything as Ikea. HAHAHHAA!!!
I got a vanilla bean coolata. So tired... I literally had to sleep after Mass and still felt exhausted when I woke up. I just looked at my watch. I only slept for an hour+. Felt longer!
I accidentally left my water in the freezer last night. Frozen through. It's sitting on the counter thawing.
Playing with my money. It's a 3 paycheck month, so I padded my gift acct to lessen my self imposed debt. But I have no clue where $135 came from... I went back 2 years of debt and can't find it. So I just wiped it out. It went all into my emergency fund anyway, which is... I'm honestly thinking of distributing it or putting less into it when I get my refund.
They gave me 14 bagels!!! As previous mentioned, they had a sign saying they're no longer giving 15, only 12 because of the increased cost of things, the distribution chain and Ukraine. But... They gave me 14 bagels!!!
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sunday mass tweet