Fashion show!

Apr 02, 2022 19:51

7500centfish is chatting with her fellow bridesmaids and asked me to send a pic of my "Kylie" shoes, so I sent her a pic I had previous posted to my instagram.  But then snapped a few more pics with Elliot and...  My current outfit.  I'm in skinny jeans and a Piggly Wiggly hoodie.  FASHION!  🌈  Dana then said "those are not the shoes of a woman of God".  HAHAHAHA!!!  Has she known me since I've been on this Crazy Religious thing?  In addition...  Mad no one commented on my piano...

Worked this AM.  Went by quickly and...  I was unaware the doctor was done and rushed to close the office as my coworker stood in the darkened waiting room.  Lol.  She also showed up early and made me open the door.  She was legit standing outside my car waiting for me.  Woops.  Better get paid for that 10 minutes...  I mean, it's one thing to open for the covering MD, but my coworker???  I'm Office Manager!  Lol.  I did a few more things on that issue I mentioned last entry.  I was able to upload it onto the website.  But...  Messages have been going unanswered for months.  But once again, at least it's evidence I didn't not do anything.

Got out before 1 and met up with them.  I was craving IHOP, so I met them there.  Mom needed to go somewhere so I ended up driving her home.  The others went home to pick up their stuff...  Not like I wouldn't be home...  They were going to Harmons after.  But it was weird because I took the "long" way and got home first.  I took the road straight instead of turning...  They even left earlier because I was waiting for Mom to buckle up.

I was craving the strawberry banana french toast.  At first I didn't see it because it wasn't with the pancakes like I was expecting.  I then got the home fries instead of the hash browns.

The St. A's baseball team was in the house.  I need those socks...  They were making fun of one kid because he was a Mets fan.  :(

Sport died.  Jennie posted it on instagram.  7500centfish didn't see the post till I told her.  She then texted Jennie.  Tumor on his spleen.  Yikes...

Weird...  I just remembered I had a dream I was snuggling / rubbing my face into a big black dog.  Like...  St Bernard big, but short haired.

Reddit thread.  How do you pronounce Amen?

being a dork, dream

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