Tuxedo cat says hi...

Apr 01, 2022 21:59

The neighbors were supposed to leave by the end of the month.  I mean they did...  But there are cars still in the driveway.  I dunno...  As much as I'd like to see Tuxedo Cat around.  That would be sad if they just left him.  He's drinking the tuna juice I left out this AM.

Wasn't really in the mood to write.  Since tomorrow is the weekend...  Even when I'm working...  It's 9 to 1.  But who knows when the doctor will finish her charts.  They're coming so I don't know if I'll be able to meet with them.  I was kinda craving the...  There is a strawberry banana french toast thing?  At the same time...  I'm due to get more bagels this weekend, so Mom might not have her pancakes for the week.  If not Ihop, might get her some frozen ones she could just heat up.  I have all these things in my Amazon Fresh cart, but haven't been purchasing anything because...  I really don't need to buy groceries every week.  It's just stuff I'm craving.

That was rambly!

Work was non eventful today.  Well kinda...  I'm so gonna get chewed out when they get back.  There is this one patient.  For some reason their claims get rejected by our billing software because they say the insurance isn't active.  But when I call they confirmed the patient is active, suggested to mail the claim.  This happened in the past and I had no issue.  But this time around it's been more than a month, actually 30 business days and they're still not filing the claim.  Insurances have rules about how long they'll allow you to submit a claim.  In most cases it's 3 months.  This was in December...  But at the same time I have record, the phone calls, etc prior to that so if things get rejected I have evidence I didn't sit on it.  But...  Dr. L never accepts that.  Anyway, before the 3 months like...  Maybe 1.5 or 2 months I called and was given a fax number I can try.  Never worked.  Today I tried calling again, still not received.  Correct fax number.  So...  I don't know what more I can do.  I emailed our rep who isn't in till Monday.  Is there a known backlog?  Like I said, Dr. L will not accept any of these excuses.  "Why didn't you call the parents?"  I don't see how calling them will do anything.  It's not like they aren't active.  Like I said I spoke to the insurance the kid is active.  How can they process a claim they can't even find?  Oh yeah, I even called the billing software and they'll contact the insurance too.  So...  It's not like I didn't do anything.

No doctor in today.  Dr. L and Marna were touring around so they were slow to answer our texts.  Wasn't many.  Oh yeah...  It seemed like the messages weren't going through so Dr. L called me semi screaming...  Like why I'm not responding.  There was an issue with the prescription website.  Needed to update his DEA info.  I guess they didn't get my response that I had updated it.  Marna was gonna walk me through to update it.  Uh...  When I log in it's in my face.  No need to walk through.

Yeah, pretty much after that I was sitting around doing nothing.  Well...  Aside from throw out junk claims that were paid.  And...  Stared at the referral log.  As I said, I fast from music on Fri and I was thinking of breaking that fast because I felt weird about listening to Catholic Podcasts in ear shot of my coworkers.  But then I did it anyway.  (Listened to podcasts).  Did my Bible In A Year.  Clerically Speaking...  They were talking about confession at the end...  And it's weird, the fact that I didn't have it in my ear, I felt less connected, like I couldn't focus on what they were saying.  The Pillar...  They talked of schools and a new Vatican statement (?) basically classifying teachers as ministers of the faith, therefore bishops (?) have control over who they hire.  As in...  The should live according to the faith and Catholic schools as a whole should do the same.  Like...  A teacher shouldn't be having a relationship with 7 sheep and a Belgian chocolatier.  HAHHAHAA!!!  Counsel of Trent.  It was about how Medieval Catholicism is better than modern.  In the sense that the arguments are more philosophical than today.  Not that it was mentioned, like today some of the debates from Atheists are like "you believe in a Sky Daddy" or some nonsense like that.  Where prior the arguments were more sofisticated.  I tried to listen to Godslpaning and Catholic Coffee Talk, but...  The audio was so low I couldn't really hear anything without earphones.  Ended up listening to Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World.  It was on a guy who married a ghost.  Part of me felt like...  Am I causing scandal?  I mean...  Jimmy Akin is a Catholic Apologist and he often gives a Catholic perspective to the mysteries.  But...  Like, does my coworker think I now believe in mediums and seances?  But then...  It was just too absurd and he was obviously being scammed.  I then remembered it was April Fools and he always has a joke episode...  But the joke was, it's entirety true.  Guy's son died.  The son through the medium encouraged him to seek spiritual guidance from the other side.  He was scammed into providing for her and her daughter.  Eventually she created some ghost bride for him, etc, etc.  He realizes and tries to sue her.  Legally...  They had agreed to a settlement prior to the court case so essentially the court determined that was enough.  Oh yeah, I also tried to listen to Gregorian Rant.  Once again couldn't really hear without earphones.  But...  I heard of it via CSYSK.  It was on an ep about attending weddings outside of the Church.

Oh yeah, almost accidentally broke my #NoMusicFriday by listening to Matt Maher.

I didn't intend to write much.  Lol...

Dreams!  I had a group job interview...  7500centfish and sparkyboy were there.  The only other person I remember is a priest for the diocese that assists the Bishop, except he wasn't a priest in the dream, just some guy...  Anyway, I sat down at the table and the first thing the interviewer asked me was...  I don't remember the exact question, but they were like what was the last sin you committed.  And...  I was hesitant.  1.  I had gone to confession, my sins are wiped clean.  I then played it off that it's a common thing, but then said, "like you know..."  I had said some things with the purpose of hurting someone's feelings.  I then remember being happy with the interview results.  It was later and we're just sitting around.  A bunch of papers was being passed around.  It had gone through 7500centfish, then the Priest Non Priest, then to me...  I flipped through the papers and there was some checklist on what we needed to review.  On one page I saw dollar amounts and thought that was the proposed salary we'd received and I saw $17 point something.  But then realized it was payment for a certain procedure code.  Next to 7500centfish's and the Priest Not Priest's total was their signature, so I signed it.  I then went to the checklist again and saw I was supposed to look at this paper, but then it wasn't included in the pile of papers.  I was then worried by the fact that I had signed that page without having the paper I would be penalize, like it was some test to see if I was paying attention.  Eventually someone comes in with it.  And I add it to the papers.  Later sparkyboy comes back in from a break of sorts asking how the interview went and if he had gotten the job as well.  But then I thought...  It would be cool if we were all working together / living together.  I then rethought the living together thing.  Lol.  I then had a mini freak out about going to Mass on Sunday, like St. E's is the only place I can go to Mass (I mean, it is.  Lol...)  But then I thought I'd just go home every weekend like I did in College.

Dream 2.  I just remember being semi awake in bed, but then waking up...  Mom was asleep on my floor.  I look at the time and see it's 3AM, but then the sun was shining outside as if it were 6AM with the sun coming up.

  • Shared lunch pics on iFamChat.  I usually get a bruschetta slice and white slice.  And...  First time they didn't have the brushetta.  Today they didn't have the white...  :|

  • I realized I can read music...  Hm...  Just made me wonder.  Can 7500centfish?  I mean, we both took music lessons.  But are you able to know the tune from just reading the sheet music or would you have to play it?  P.s.  My piano teacher thought it was cute when reading the letters I'd sing them in tune.  I don't think I have perfect pitch or anything...
  • Catholic Talk Show April Fools Posts.  1, 2, 3.
  • Someone make a legit No Context Mac and Me acct!
  • piano, podcasts, #nomusicfriday, buy me stuff, familiy chat, dream, music

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