Bloaty McBloatface...

Mar 30, 2022 21:06

Still full from lunch, but then ate dinner so I can take my meds / not be hungry before bed.  I didn't eat much, but probably more than I should.  Mom bought Chinese and I ate what she didn't...  Once again have no interest in drinking my remaining 3 cups of water.

Wasn't really in the mood, but I got pizza.  I was thinking of breaking things up, considering I'll probably get pizza again on Friday.  I got a sandwich yesterday.  I'm not hungry enough for Chinese...  Might get a sandwich or wrap again tomorrow...  Anyway, I passed the "Hawaiian" place and it honestly looks like Hodge Podge Asian.  It had bubble teas, rahmen, sushi...  7500centfish asked where the Mac salad was.  I'm like...  Where is the poi and roasted pig???  Either way, I might try a bubble tea with my sandwich tomorrow.

While I'm on food...  I have access to the work email and Marna and Dr. L were emailing each other while he's in a lecture and she's...  Relaxing?  He was talking about seeing a Mariachi band later...  Marna then face messaged me eating nachos...  In Panama!  Reminded me of when we went to a "Cuban" restaurant and they served us chips and guac, then calamari...  Dr. L legit asked my Cuban coworker if it was authentic.  No.

Another day of playing doctor.  A lot of patients just scheduled for tomorrow.  2 people Dr. L treated over the phone.  I wondered if like previous years I had to document everything.  I'm making small notes in the schedule system.  But Dr. L brought his own chart forms to document who he treats.  Lol...  I was legit writing SOAP notes!  (Subjective / Objective / Assesment / Plan).  Relatively quiet day.

Part of my vacay job is to water the plants.  Marna told me to put ice cubes on her orchids on Sat.  But then I was watering the regular plants and...  She has what I know are orchids on a plant stand, but as I was watering...  She has 2 plants, which...  Have the same leaves, but are not flowering...  They also have those wood chunks...  Are they orchids?  I didn't realize till after I watered them.  I texted Mom and 7500centfish because...  Mom has orchids.  7500centfish told me to take pics.  Per kumquatqueen they look like orchids, so I took them out of their pots and drained the water.  Hopefully they don't die.  If those wood chunks are an indication, Marna has a lot of dead orchids also on the floor.  Maybe it's the orchid graveyard?  LOL!

I have been putting my hair in a side braid ever since the pandemic because I didn't want to be touching my hair all the time.  But since there are no patients I decided to let it down.  OMG!  I keep touching my hair!!!  There are gonna be patients tomorrow, so I might have to tie it up again.  I dunno...

My only random note...  There was a reddit post about striking your chest other than during the "Through my fault" in the Confiteor.  Someone mentioned in the Latin Mass they do it during the "Act of Contrition".  Do they mean the Confiteor?  Or is it like in confession?  Because...  Once again, noticing things...  Once in confession when I was saying the AoC, Fr. I put his hand to his chest and bowed his head.  He also does that during the Confiteor "through my fault" part.  As I said, he's whispered what I believed to be the words of absolution while I do the AoC, but...  He also said "let us pray the act of contrition together" and whispers along, so...  I dunno.  I asked on reddit once and I just got responses like maybe he's doing his penance while I'm confessing.  Supposedly priests are supposed to offer penance for us in confession too.  So...  Yeah, just learning things, noticing things.

  • Dr. L signs his text with "Howie".  HAHAHAHA!!!
  • 7500centfish asked what aphasia is.  There are different types.  It's like a disconnect with language in understanding and/or expressing.  Maybe it's hypochondria...  But I wonder if I had low grade aphasia.  Like...  Not in the crazy sense, but I feel like my thought I have in my head are...  Like I can have full conversations / be coherent in my thoughts, but then when I speak them I'm like duh.  Maybe it's a combo of social anxiety.  I dunno...  I mean, I used to get brain scans as a kid and Mom said I was delayed, but then caught up.  But who knows...

  • deGrom often plays catch in the outfield / SS during batting practice.  Seriously...  Love him.  All around player.  Let him hit!!!  Anyway...  He should be the emergency every position!  But yeah, most of the comments are fearing he'll hurt himself.
  • Chaco.
  • "I used to be Catholic."
  • I don't know who needs to hear this...
  • Out of Context Cats.
  • Ellipses...  FYI, I use them because it's how I think...  Lol.
  • confession, playing doctor, medical

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