Happy O Antiphons!

Dec 17, 2021 21:08

Lol.  I posted a pic to fam chat without really reading it.  HAHAHAHA!!!  It was about the O Antiphons which start today, but then some of it blasts Creasters and then mentioned "midday sext".  😳  Have I mentioned it?  I know I've mentioned my struggles with the Rosary, but I would love for my family to take up The Hours.  I mean...  I never knew about them till #CatholicTwitter / #BreviaryViews.  Basically outside of the Mass it, not the Rosary is the official prayer of the Church, that clergy, religious / consecrated are vowed to pray it.  #catechismlesson Lay are encouraged.  As I said, when I met with Fr. I, I felt like his entire attitude changed when I mentioned I pray The Hours.

Anyway...  Going to Sight and Sound tomorrow.  Meeting up with 7500centfish and kumquatqueen.  I'm charging my things.  I have to remember to fill my hand sanitizer bottle...  Bringing my bulk book and Agatha Christie.  Customary for me to either prep or wind down and watch JCS...  I don't know if I will bring my prayer books or just use the online versions.  LOL!  So...  I made an Instagram "poll" asking if I should wear my "Catholic" Collegiate sweater or my Papal Coat of Arms.  7500centfish voted on famchat for the latter.  "It said to vote in the comments"!  LOL!  I was learning toward more subtle too.  Hm...  What mask?  I think when I stopped wearing masks / my primary mask I would have used in HH was the rose / monstrance mask.  So if I go with that I'll end up with my white one for Christmas.  APPROPRIATE!  I mean...  If I had to rank masks.  Lol.  But it is a bit too big for my face, but whatever.

Mom is listening to a Christmas CD from somewhere.  I'm guessing a classmate sent to her.  I guess it's instrumental?  I don't think Mom is a fan.  LOL!  Oh Come All Ye Faithful scared me!

More dreams!  Once again it's choppy.  I think since I've been getting a fuller night sleep, but laying in bed more awake for a longer time, like from 5 to 6...  I seem to forget my dreams more.  Anyway...  As I said Tita Evelyn and Mom smelled something as if it died behind the refrigerator.  I smelt something weeks later and it moved around the room.  First by the ref, then as I was sitting on the comp, elsewhere etc.  FYI, none of this is the dream yet.  Now in the dream...  I located the smell in the cabinet under the table / next to the sink.  I then open it to see if I can find the actual source.  And I see a raccoon head popping out through a hole.  I freak out and immediately close it.  I then say I saw a raccoon, not knowing if it was dead or alive.  I then look again and it is now an opossum, with a white head and it is very much alive!  It was struggling to get its head free.  Once again I freak out and tell Mom.  Of course she being the braver one, lol...  She goes and makes a lasso (?) type thing to put around it's head and pull it out.  But then...  She pulls out a white cat and soon kittens!  Mom was about to set them free outside, but I was like, "Wait!  They're cats!"  I was then focused on the kittens and not the mother cat we had first seen (as if the raccoon morphed into the opossum then into the cat).  But then one was really small, covered in afterbirth / placenta.  I had first thought the older kittens were like from a different litter, but then thought maybe this one is just a runt.  There was a grey and white one I was obsessing over...  Yeah, I thought I could totally have a cat again.

Probably a different dream.  I just remember at some point I was in some sort of alcove or looking into another room trying to shoot someone with a gun that was embedded in a giant plastic alligator???  I felt like...  I wasn't bad, but at the same time I was with a group of people who were deemed bad?  At the end of the dream everyone was brought into a restaurant and my group including our leader was there and I felt like we were notorious, yet as I said, I felt like nothing I did was bad, we just had that reputation?  I then remember a jack russell terrier / chihuahua mix type dog running around our...  We were like in little restaurant cubicle things, but it was like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where it was just a giant bed.  7500centfish was on one side, I was at the head.  The dog was then doing zoomies on the bed constrained only with a leash.

Random notes.

Problems at work!  Basically one of our major insurance companies is going bankrupt, we're not getting paid well and the major hospital system is dumping them.  Dr. L is waiting to see what happens.  They think it will just be renamed something else and move on.  But...  A lot of patients want to change their plans, but we're no longer accepting "new" patients so they have to remain in that plan or change doctors.  And like I said...  Hospitals are dumping them so it's hard to find people specialist.  We accept a similar plan, but Dr. L doesn't want to dump all the patients there either.  So like I said, stay with your existing plan or change doctors.

Catholic Answers.  Someone asked about RCIA.  I don't even remember...  But I was like thank God I don't have to go through that!  Like...  I wonder if I weren't born and raised if I had discovered Catholicism after the fact would I be as "afraid" to go through RCIA as I am to volunteer with my parish?  Like...  I don't even want to go back to school out of anxiety!  RCIA isn't much different.  So like I said, TG.  But then again...  There was a point where the pressure was so bad I just had to meet with Sr. Pat, so who knows.  Maybe I need that pressure again?

Mom asked me how my nail was.  I still have to glue it...  I put a "waterproof" bandaid on it when I shower, but it still gets wet and loosens the glue so I have to reglue it.

So Mom wants to leave at 6:15...  We're going to her Sorority Sister's house.  I got to shower at like...  5:25.  If I do my regular schedule I need to get up at 4:25 to pray???  But then I can always do that on the roadtrip?  I dunno...  I'll figure it out.

And as I told 7500centfish...  I don't know how I'll drink my water.  At least my bladder has adjusted and I'm not running to the bathroom every hour.  I'm assuming they'll give us a drink with our boiled egg and pan de sal.  Lol.  My water bottle holds 3 cups.  I might bring my other bottle as well?  Or a frozen bottle and let it thaw on the road?  I mean, if I at least drink 6 and rando water / drinks on the trip I should be fine?  Maybe I need to bring more than my purse?

Didn't do it, but I thought of breaking my #NoMusicFriday to celebrate the O Antiphons and listen to all versions of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel on repeat.

#catholictwitter, #nomusicfriday, familiy chat, discernment, dream, medical, catholicism, #catechismlesson, prayer, #breviaryviews

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