Ugh, I just want to go to sleep!

Dec 16, 2021 20:06

Another dream.  Jennie and co moved back into their old house, except it was weird...  Like there was a toilet in the entrance way and I had to go...  In my dream version of Jennie's house there is also an extension to the extension and I didn't want to go there to use the bathroom.  It was then slightly off...  Like the organ they had was not against the wall, but facing into the room.  For some reason everyone was hanging out in that TV room.

Once again, nothing to write.

My only other note...  They had a poll on News 12 about an abortion pill.  Someone's comment...  Made no sense.  Word for word it says, "Yes to all personal freedom- right to life folks. Less of that DNA please".  Is he saying he wants less "right to life DNA"?  Cause that makes no sense...

Finger slightly better.  I still had to glue it together this AM.  Wore a waterproof bandaid in the shower which helped, but hit my nail again which loosened it.  Once again, glued the crack and the nail to my finger.

I also have the note, "David Our Father" but I have no clue what that means...

7500centfish and Jennie were talking food again.  The only thing I could contribute was a Clue quote about monkey's brains...

  • 7500centfish...  Hang in there.

    I don't even know if this is worth posting.
  • dream, medical

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