Writing Christmas cards.

Dec 03, 2021 22:05

Well...  A Christmas card.  And I don't know what to write!!!  Like last year, I want to write something religious.  But the fact my card is religious, it kinda sounds redundant.  I think last year I wrote something like "May God Bless you" or something like that?  Or was it like "may the peace of Christ be with you?"  But, at least this one card I have already says something similar to that.  "May your Christmas be filled with His light and His love."  Part of me wants to write, "May God bless you, the Father, Son..."  I mean, it sounds like a greeting to end Mass!  But that would be weird!  My other card doesn't have that same feeling.  So I don't know if what I will write will be the same or card dependant.  After scoping the webs...  I put at least for the "prototype card", "Blessed Christmas and a Joyful New Year."  I then have on the next line, "Rejoice!  Christ is Born!"  I think I wrote that last year too?  And to close it, "God Bless, Elizabeth".  Now...  I'm actually writing a note and...  I don't know how to transition between appreciation to, here have a present.  At the same time I have so much I want to say, yet nothing is coming to mind.  Writing this entry now, even when it's late to do a mind reset.

Grandpa's bday.  I posed a pic to Instagram / fam chat about posing with Superman, oh and a wax figure of Christopher Reeves is in the background.  LOL!  I seriously crack myself up!  Part of me wanted to put a message under a "cut" about how...  I often worry about his soul.  But left it with a partial, "Eternal rest" prayer.  7500centfish continued it.  :)

They're coming tomorrow.  Cemetery.  I need to buy gift cards or something...  I bought my gift bags this evening.  I wanted to prep my present asap.  Ugh...  Not even tomorrow and I'm already worried about rushing tomorrow.

Marna made me watch a resident zoom meeting Dr. L was supposed to attend.  I mean...  I guess it's a good thing to know, but really, how many doctors / residents need to know how to present to legislators?  They basically explained what an elevator pitch was and gave a few scenarios, broke up into groups and "presented" their pitch to a "legislator" to look at bills / pass laws.  Like yeah...  They were saying for example...  There is a vaccine program which is underfunded (?) and getting some billed passed will help more providers participate with it by increasing reimbursement.  It's always about money...  More reimbursement, means more participation, means more vaccination of medicaid / uninsured / under insured patients which are often left behind.  They also had scenario for longer medical coverage after pregercy, gun violence, etc.  I mean, interesting, but does the average resident need to know this stuff?  Or is it like a trend with younger generations and wanting to help everyone vs like the individual patient in your office?

Had an episode of dizziness at work.  Just sitting at desk and my head throbbed / a wave of dizziness came over me.  I didn't feel any palpitations like I did the last time.  But I definitely felt a low grade pressure in my head / felt tired afterward.  Google tells me it could be a migraine or blood pressure related.  Like a sudden drop in pressure.  But the fact I felt like pressure in my head first then the dizziness...  My pulse at the time was 85.  Didn't feel hypo.  Couldn't check my BP.  When I got home it was low normal.  cc 7500centfish

Per Mom there are no takers for Christmas and New Years?  Saying the "kids" should take over like Aures took TG.

Had a sudden Epiphany and closed it with Praying for you, please pray for me.  Then P.s.  Enjoy your gift, etc.  Sorry about the glitter!  AHAHAHAH!

private kinda, familiy chat, being a dork, medical

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