
Dec 04, 2021 18:37

Went to confession, but it wasn't Fr. I, so I'm gonna have to be awkward and hand him his present after Mass.  Or maybe I can slip into the sacristy?  Anyway, because we don't have an actual confessional I could hear who it is.  I went to him previously and he said the wrong words.  So I almost walked out, but then...  I saw someone I knew and...  I felt even weirder thinking of them wondering why I walked out.  But then I thought if he says the wrong words, I'll just go next week again.  But ugh, it's so annoying!  Read the black, do the red!!!  Anyway, when I went to confession he said, "I absolve you."  Thanks be to God!!!  I wonder if he knows I ratted him out.  Did Fr. I say something to him?  Do I even have anything to do with it???  But he basically counseled me with the same thing.  Like I came to confession for a reason, like I was drawn to it.  He did say it's greater so because of the Advent season.  Talked of strength in combating sin.  He gave me 2 Our Fathers and a Hail Mary.

Now...  Is this breaking the seal to say you saw someone waiting to go to confession?  As I said, I saw someone I knew.  Actually...  The person asked me where the confessional was.  In a sense...  Telling so and so I saw this person can be gossip.  But...  I dunno, my thinking is, "Oh, this person is serious about their faith!"  But then the person I tell might be, why are they going to confession, what big sins do they have?  Did this person who knows me think that of me?  Or do they think like I think?  I mean...  I was in and out.  So...  Fighting the urge!

Mall.  I bought the VS GCs for the Aunts / Jennie.  Went to Bath and Body Works.  Candle day.  Candles were $10.25 each.  Plus tax.  Those candles last me a month...  That's 37¢ a day.  I went around sniffing, but...  As I said, nothing jumped out at me as something I would burn in prayer.  The rose scented candles didn't have enough rose smell for me.  I was then looking on the web comparing it to Yankee Candle.  Seems like BBW has more variety, YC has more classic smells.  BBW has a wider opening therefore creates a bigger smell / burn faster.  YC has a smaller opening, 1 to 3 wicks depending on the candle you get which affect burn time.  Plus the smaller opening effects the thrown (scent that comes off) and decreases the burn time.  So...  In a sense, the YC works better for me.  Yes I like the scents, but I'm more interested in a longer burn time and therefore less cost per candle.  And as I said, none of the BBW candles work for me in prayer.  Maybe when 7500centfish comes and we do our Outlet run, I can check out the Yankee Candle store.

Ate at Shake Shack.  Went to Harmons.  Lol.  I bought Mom / her sisters Harmons gift cards.  Still don't know what to get for Tita J.  Am I getting anything for Tito Abe???  Does he want a free book?  Lol.  Don't really want to go Dunkin, but might get Sr. Pat a gift card from there.

Tita Nette said she didn't get the picture I sent again, but someone showed it to her yesterday.  But then I brought up the Superman movies, trying to guess what year that was.  I had to be 1 to 2 years old.  So early 80s obviously.  But from that, Tita Neng brought up how geebs was young at the time as well, but very observant.  He had made a comment about Clark's father dying.  Something about grabbing his arm and asking why his heart was in his arm.  Then I guess they were also watching a lot of Filipino movies back then too?  And I guess the trope is to have an abusive husband?  So he asked Tita Neng if all fathers in the Philippines beat their wifes.  OMG!  LOL!!!

Got home around 3.  Was able to review my Examination of Conscience and power nap before confession.

Doing laundry now.

  • I found an ornament dead spot on the tree.
  • Aures claimed New Years.  Honestly, I was annoyed.  I don't want to go to NJ / through NYC on NYE/D.  All Mom said was, "7500centfish's driving."  Like OK, Mom doesn't want to have people over, but...  I dunno, it was our day.  I guess no big sandwich or giant meat board.  Mom is like so who is gonna have TG?  Uh...  Aures.  Tita Neng is like "We always have Christmas at our place."  If we're switching things up, why can't we have Christmas at our place then?  I don't want to get angry again...
  • I bought Goldberg Peanut Chews.  The only thing with peanuts I will gladly eat.  I dunno why...  The peanut taste isn't overwhelming.  It's good.
  • The aunts said they smelt something dead around our fridge.  I don't smell anything and the traps are "empty".  Like they have dust and bugs, but no mice.
  • I miss wassail...

  • New youtube channel to binge!  RealCivilEngineerGaming.  He keeps bashing architects.  At one point he says they're like engineers who are too lazy to go through all the schooling.  I dunno...  Maybe I'm not understanding what each occupation is.
  • confession, buy me stuff, #nosingang

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