Nothing much to write.

Dec 01, 2021 21:20

Was looking at the calendar next year.  If all goes according to plan, I'll have 4 days for HH, 1 day for TG, 4 for Christmas to New Years.  So I'll have another day off to use for something.  I had been thinking in recent years to take Good Friday off.  I dunno...  It always felt weird working / trying to mourn at the same time.  Like it's weird because I legit get a sad feeling.  But I dunno...  I have till April to decide or less if I do the request 3 months before thing.

Also thinking of giving away candles.  Because...  I bought a few scented candles that...  I really don't think I'll use in prayer.  And I just don't burn candles otherwise.  Maybe I can stick one in the bathroom for the holidays.  Or give one to Mom when she cooks fish.  I'm also thinking of combining a Fireside candle with my Frankincense.  As I said, there is something missing, maybe it's the smoke smell.

Yesterday was #GivingTuesday.  I didn't participate, but it made me think.  Yes, you have an obligation to contribute to your parish and I won't stop doing it, but I was wondering...  Where should my "surplus" go.  Like...  When I got a stimulus check, I gave a bit, my bonus, etc.  And I plan on giving what I'm comfortable with next year as well.  But the fact it seems like my parish is doing well, even with the pandemic and we're supplementing another parish's food bank.  Are my extras needed?  Are there other charities I could contribute to?  Like Mom is always sending money to her Indian Children.  It's legit called St. Joseph's Indian School!  Also various other charities who send her mail.  Part of me wants to stay local.  And...  I have given to the retired cute old priests, lol...  To the local crisis pregercy center.  My Smile Amazon goes to the local Catholic Charities.  That being said I don't feel it's enough because I'm not consistent.  Does that even make sense?  But then I've also heard your local parish outreach knows the community and should be able to allocate funds, etc where it's needed so...  I don't know.

Texts, kinda...
  • I kinda want to ask Family Chat if anyone has gotten symptoms.  Not that I have symptoms, I just want to know if we're in the clear or not as a family.  I mean, Mom was worried because some people aren't vaccinated (?) and almost wore a mask the whole time.  But then there is a chance of being asymptomatic and a spreader.  So...  If someone has symptoms someone could also be an asymptomatic spreader.
  • Tita Carmen and Sport are BFFs.  Honestly I'm surprised she's comfortable with big dogs.
  • 7500centfish and the Aunts are eating nothing but Filet-o-Fishes.  Lol.
  • 7500centfish is asking me who so and so's rank is...  Is she mentioning this to Woodmere???  Anyway...  It's all in relation to me, being the Captain of the Indy.  I chose to be a low ranking Captain, a Commander.  7500centfish and anyone who takes control for a bit is a Lt or lower.  Like sparkyboy / durlxnemesis would be Midshipmen.  I guess geebs is a Lt as well.  Mom / Dad / Tito Abe are the Admiralty.  Tita Carmen...  And I guess Tita Nette because of their seniority, having a license and not actually driving would be (Post) Captains as well.  Jennie and Eric Lts.  Tita Mena...  No license, yet has "rank" / respect.  I'm not sure yet.  A bosun?  The girls can be my powder monkeys!  Alex drives now, so...  I guess a Midshipman too.
  • 7500centfish got Mexican for dinner.  The guac ruined it for me.  I actually had "tacos" for lunch.  It was more a burrito, but I didn't add anything that had tomato, cilantro or guac.  Yuck!

    Random work comment...  I had to make an appointment for a pt who is currently 17, turning 18 in 3 weeks.  The peds place couldn't fit her in before she turns 18.  The adult place needed to book her after 18.  Add to that, when I called our go to hospital system to book an appt.  "We're no longer accepting that insurance in Jan."  Ugh...  So I had to do it all over again.  I ended up getting her an appt 2 days after she turns 18.  Dr. L really wanted a peds MD because it's more an adolescent teen issue and not adult.  But they said the only way we could get that is if Dr. L called a dr he has a relationship with and squeezes her in.  So yeah, that's a glimpse into some of the things I do.

  • Lol...  I responded to 7500centfish's "job" posting a pic of their Christmas tree saying it will be lit till Jan 1, with "Christmas doesn't end till the Epiphany on Jan 6."  I've done the same to my mall when they hide Baby Jesus away after Christmas day.  I'm also getting annoyed by twitter and all the Countdown to Christmas starts today.  Uh...  It started on Sunday.  And I really don't understand people starting the 12 days thing...
  • Sea sheep.  cc 7500centfish / kumquatqueen

    I feel like I had something else to comment on from another social media platform...
  • catholicism, st e, #givingtuesday

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