Replaying convos in my head...

Nov 29, 2021 21:00

Had my MD appt.  Endo.  She said she would adjust my meds if I continued to do well or maintain, but she didn't.  My F/U is in "3 months" but because of me needing a late appt, it's in 4.  I don't even know if I need to cc this to 7500centfish...

Lol.  But I was wearing my St. A's hoodie, so she asked if I went there and if I liked it.  "It's OK."  "Just ok?"  I guess...  She then said her kids go to St. P's Elementary.  I know of one near here...  I guess there are 2?  Either way...  I didn't expand and now the "convo" is running in my head.  I mean...  If I did talk...  It's very different from when I attended.  Academically / for sports the school is excellent.  But in terms of a Catholic education...  As I've said, I have never heard until recently of vocations coming out of it, when I hear of many coming from Chaminade and Kellenberg.  And even when we had one it wasn't announced on the school social media, but the diocese.  But then again, maybe it's just me, because when I met with Sr. Pat I think I was giving off a vibe that I wasn't raised in the faith and she seemed mind boggled that I went to St. A with having "little faith".  I think it's just me that things don't sink it / I down play things.  Anyway...  I guess she wanted "advice" on where to send her kids when the time comes.  Also from my time...  I don't know how true it is now.  But the local school had more of the rich kid stereotype while many of the kids at St. A drove used cars.  So yeah, "good" school, but I'm not sure she'd want to hear my rant on "Catholic" education.  She then said Happy Holidays.  Uh...  You just asked me if I went to Catholic school, said your kids go to Catholic school and you greet me with Happy Holidays!?!  LOL!

There are no sales on the things I want to buy the girls.  To qualify for free shipping I might buy 1 more statue for myself.  Pay $10 more to have something vs pay $15 and get nothing...  But I don't know if I want St. Rita or St. Francis.  I mean...  I'm Franciscan "educated", my parish is named after a Franciscan tertiary (?).  I love amnimals?  St. Rita is like St. Jude.  Patron of the impossible.  In a sense, I feel closer to her.  I can get St. Therese, but...

My feet smell.

Trying to stop myself from buying 4 for $60 Yankee Candles.  I mean...  It's basically 50% off, but...  I really don't need any more candles.

  • Ugly Christmas sweaters!
  • RIP cute little old man...
  • buy me stuff, medical

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