7500centfish left.

Nov 28, 2021 17:49

Drove her to the airport this afternoon.  She's supposed to arrive around midnight our time.  She's going down to TX to drive the Aunts / Jennie from San Antonio to Corpus Christie.  I just checked.  It's only a 2 hour drive...  7500centfish then will be back in "DC" on Thursday.  She also brought a bunch of junk for Tita Carmen, like her mail and birth certificate.  Oh yeah, they also had others' records, so I know Tita Sophie's Birth / Death date, both are good days / weekends I can get a Mass for her.

Mass.  First week of Advent.  I sent Fam Chat a pic of my advent wreath / Nativity scene.  Lol...  I just realized I put in the wrong fake candle.  I used the smallest instead of the tallest candle.  Anyway, Fr. I's homily was a mix of TG and Advent.  How in a sense TG is the beginning / celebratory to start Advent.  And along with anticipating the birth of Christ, it's also in anticipation of the Second Coming.  YES!!!  So he mentioned maybe reading the Bible, going to Mass, going to confession!  YES x 2!!!  At one point...  He said he went to celebrate Mass for some people in Woodside and after parking / walking to the place, he smelled pot.  Don't be a pot head!  He was talking about how we need to not be drowsy as the gospel (?) said and to be awake and prepare for the coming of Christ.  Like...  What is going on in the world today?  Oh and as I said, I was wearing purple.  I think the deacon noticed and smiled.  Lol.  What else do I have that is purple I can wear for next week?

Got breakfast at Gregory's.  I didn't know they had breakfast foods.  I was like if they don't have something with eggs and breakfast meats, we're going to McD!  Outside I saw a "Vegan" Sandwich.  Uh...  Ew?  But then inside, they had normal versions as well.  I then didn't know what to drink.  Normally I get something chocolaty.  But I wanted something different, so I got a Caramel macchiato latte.  Nothing ground breaking.  The sandwich looked blah too.  Taste...  The bread was too much for the insides.  It was like a brioche burger bun.  Probably would have been better on a croissant.

Also went to Harmons to buy my Krill oil.  I then realized I already had Krill oil.  Ugh...  It's kinda like buy 1 get 1.  But then Mom takes my other 1 and doesn't reimburse me, so I don't really get any savings.  In this case, it's $10 off 2.  So I basically end up paying $10 more than I would for myself and my 1 bottle.

After breakfast...  Well 7500centfish and I put the tree up last night.  But Mom and 7500centfish decorated it this late AM / early afternoon.  Lol!  So Mom has those socks and she puts them all on the tree skirt organized by family.  Mom, 7500centfish and I.  Tita Neng, geebs, sparkyboy.  There are no fathers...  Like Dad nor Tito Abe or Tito Toto has a sock.  Hm...  Neither does Tita Jhulia.  We also stopped passed Alex.  So, Aurora, Alana and Aaliyah also don't have socks.  But then as I was arranging, I like put all the childless ones together, so Aures, Mina, Dom and durlxnemesis.  And takyttik82 is just floating off by herself.  I guess I could have done the same for Aures?  Since she's "married" / not single like the others.  I kinda want to redo my sock because it looks like a Kindergarten horror story!  HAHAHAHa!!!  durlxnemesis then commented he better get a PS5 in his sock.  Uh...  I don't think that would fit.  HAHAHAA!!!  P.s.  Who am I KKing for?

Pretty much sat around the living room till it was time for 7500centfish to go.

Noticed since we got a Seminarian we've been praying for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life.  I might have teared up a bit...

I wonder if anyone in the fam is secretly raging at the fact I don't wear a mask.

  • 7500centfish is getting me beaver nuggets!  I have no clue what else they have a Buccee's.  But I heard of said Beaver Nuggets from CSYSK.
  • 7500centfish bought items from Aaliyah's thing.  But the point of ordering together was to qualify for free shipping.  But then 7500centfish subbed the order before we reached that.  Mom then was confused because we have 2 "shipping addresses".  She basically got a mag subscription and I tried to explain to Mom it's like gifting a subscription to someone, but she wasn't getting it / was afraid we'd be penalized as extra shipping.
  • As I said, I told the fam to wear purple to Mass.  Tita E said she doesn't have anything purple.  She has a week to prepare.  Then 2 more weeks to prepare this!  HAHAHAHaQ!!!
  • I mentioned the girls don't have socks under the tree.  Maybe we can get some / puff paints so the girls came make some.

    Tweet.  There was an explosion of some sort on Fox Island.  THIS!  Anyway, it was felt up to our area and I think that's what I thought was thunder this AM?  I made a comment to Mom / 7500centfish about thunder snow.  P.s.  It was snowing...
  • catholicism, st e, familiy chat, sunday mass tweet

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