They came extremely late today.

Apr 13, 2019 23:54

Almost 11.  Ate my breakfast, went to the mall, but we met at the normal time.  In asking where we should I eat, I said make it quick.  We ended up eating at Shake Shack.

While on reddit, there was a post saying Ronnie is taking a leave of absence for health reasons, and nothing more.  Then on the broadcast, he said they found a large mass in his chest.  :(  He's having surgery to have it removed and if all is well he'll return in a month.  He seemed upbeat, yet seemed to avoid saying...  Like the C word.  I really like Ronnie...


Went to the Mets game last Sunday.  OMG!!!  The Mets should never let me into CitiField!  I'm such a jinx!  I tweeted security should come up to section 514 and escort me out!  The Mets were so bad!

Lol...  A parking lot security guard thought I was pregnant and was suggesting I move my car, till he realize I wasn't.  I was honestly amused and not offended.  I'm fat!

In the latest ep of Clerically Speaking they bring up the Islanders b/c one of the priests is from Pittsburgh and they are playing the Penguins in the playoffs.  They joked how they're from an "island".  Like such things don't exist.  The other priest is on Vancouver Island.  I then saw a commercial and...  It's so weird...  It seems ways more local / small community.  Like the mascot went to Bagel Boss a local chain, while...  Like the Mets, even if in NY / Queens seems more national.  Tita Nette then asked 7500centfish's opinion.  "Penguins suck."


I had a dream Tim Tebow was a seminarian and was doing a Mass practicum.  So I guess that would mean he converted and was no longer engaged?

I was standing in Mass, next to Dad.  He whispered something in my ear, but I couldn't really hear / understand what he said, but I understood...  Either I stay or go with him.  I ended up staying and after Mass, I envisioned him waiting by the car b/c he had no other way of leaving, but I was screaming / crying at other family members to go to him, to apologize.  At a point I screamed I chose God the Father over him, yet still felt extreme guilt.

Tweets.  Yikes...  I haven't done this in almost 2 weeks!
  • I had to figure out the Mets game / prayer schedule.  I've been doing my prayers first which is usually during the pregame stuff and watch the game live / start at the beginning and fast forward if near the start.  I then have been going back to watch the pregame stuff.  Usually on the weekend...  It's piling up!  In addition, I've been falling asleep during games, but haven't been intent on watching every single moment.  Not tweeted...  I also haven't been watching youtube vids as I fall asleep, so I'm missing out on my Catholic content.
  • There is this bway celeb with a hairless cat and it annoys me he's constantly posting vids of him bathing his cat!  I mean...  The cat doesn't seem to mind, but...  Cats are self cleaning!  Unless visibly soiled you don't need to bathe them!
  • Mickey broke Lugo!  He kept putting him in back to back days, in addition, he said he was sick so Lugo wasn't himself...  He finally seems to be back to normal.  TG.  But seriously, Mickey needs to learn to manage a bullpen better!
  • deGrom had a great game where he struck out something like 10, then hit a HR!  Never put the DH in the NL!!!  Then in his last outing he ended all his records.  Consecutive innings without giving up a run was like 26, consecutive...  I'm blanking.  Quality starts, where you give go 6 innings with 3 or less runs was at like 31 or something.  Those are all gone!  He gave up 5 runs in his last start and only went 4 innings!  And of course everyone is blaming d'Arnaud who came back after a year.  deGrom says he just didn't have his stuff, couldn't locate his pitches.
  • Oh yeah, back to the Mets game.  I bought the tickets online and I could not for the life of me find a way to pick up the tickets at the kiosk.  Only digital.  Not even a print at home.  I mean, even in the past when I opted to pick up tickets, I have the ability to print tickets, so I knew worst case scenario I could to that, then even worse I could attempt to access them on Mom's phone.  But I ended up emailing ticket services and they said I'd be able to redeem tickets at the windows.  Anyway...  I suspected it may be b/c the game was so close in date or maybe the seats I was getting, all the way up it didn't offer me any more options.  But then I tried to buy tickets at a later date and they still wouldn't let me pick up or even mail!  Anyway...  That's really turning me off from buying tickets.  Then when I went to pick up the tickets.  I went to the window and they said I needed to go to a different window.  People were cueing up, soon security sent us to another line, then another line.  I tried the kiosks, they said I needed to go to the windows, etc, etc.  Ugh.  People were paranoid we'd miss out on the giveaway.  It was a deGrom bobble head.  I didn't really want it...  I just wanted to go the yearbook / media guide, the latter which sells out after the 1st weekend.  In addition, I suspected, correctly they'd do an on the field presentation of deGrom's Cy Young.  I'll have to go back another time to see it in the Mets HOF.
  • If you didn't already know from above... Clerically Speaking is on Stitcher!  Now all I need is Fr. Mike to put his homilies there.
  • His latest homily was really good.  I don't even know where to begin.  I am amused he hangs out with exorcists!  I need to do like I do with pod casts, to transfer some of his homilies to my SD card.
  • I wanted a new lenten meal to eat.  I tried chick-fil-a, popeyes (the best imo), McD, Wendys.  I wondered if Sonic had anything.  A rando website said yes, but saw nothing on the actual site.  So I never went.
  • Last week there was this youngish guy who genuflected before receiving communion.  Made Fr. I smile...  He was also wearing a Vatican flag on his tshirt.  HAHAHA!!!  #PrayForVocations!  We also had 6 new altar servers and a catecumen.  Things are looking up!
  • Rami Malik was at the Mets game.  They showed him on the jumbotron.
  • Nice...

    I feel like I've written some of this before.  Anyway...

    Let me just leave this here...
  • catholicism, #prayforvocations, dream, mets thoughts

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