I don't know where to put my focus.

Apr 18, 2019 00:16

Holy Week.  My church is actually doing Liturgy of the Hours stuff...  And of course I'm at work.  Well...  Thursday / Friday instead of AM mass they're doing morning prayer at 9.  Then tomorrow after Holy Thursday service they're having adoration then Night prayer.  We went last year...  They didn't have night prayer, nor adoration.  But they did bring the Eucharist into the basement chapel and the incense set the fire alarms off.  Lol.  We then went to the Youth Group's stations of the cross.  No thank you.  Mom didn't mentioned going to anything this year.

Lol...  Maybe I should continue with singing the praises of my priest?  Seriously, I love him...  I emailed him about something and he set my mind at ease.  I reread his response...  Did he mix words?  But then like I said...  It eased my mind.  I mean...  He moved the Tabernacle back behind the altar, brought back the bells, etc.  Now they're having Morning and Night prayer.  I'm half tempted to email him about adding more traditional things, maybe sneak in Eucharistic prayer I once in a while.  I get my parish is a Boomer Parish, but if slowly sneaks things in...

Anyway, I wanted to check out the mass times in the bulletin, it was actually Easter's already.  But they put the attendance /money difference year to year.  We actually have less people attending, but more money was given.  Interesting...  It actually seemed like there were less people at Palm Sunday than previous years.  Like a semi regular crowd, maybe filled, but without people lining the walls.

Notre Dame...  I kinda scooped Twitter while I was on break, but nothing jumped out at me to RT.  A lot of shock / sadness.  But then when I came home...  I kinda saw a difference.  I started seeing reaction from #CatholicTwitter.  Which was more...  Not about, OMG!  All that art!  The history!  But...  About relics, the Eucharist.  Like it was kinda annoying me.  It's a church.  It's not a museum.  That's what annoyed me when we were in Italy.  Paying to enter a church...  I don't know...  I had a hard time separating it from a place of worship and a tourist attraction.  Anyway, I ended up tweeting something like that, that it was a house of worship and not just art and history, then the Hail Mary in French.  Then as I was praying...  I pray the "Eternal rest grant unto them", etc.  And I thought of the builders...  How it was built to glorify God.  Anyway, Bishop Barron did a quick podcast.  He mentions the rose windows as being the most precious thing in there.  Uh...  When I hear precious, I think Blessed Sacrament.  But then he was saying it's a physical manifestation of the Beatific Vision.  OK, I'll give you that.  But a story the ChurchPop twitter keeps posting.  The Chaplain for the fire dept ran in to save the Crown of thorns / Eucharist, etc.  He's also done some other heroic things at other times, like granting general absolution during a terrorist attack and stuff.

There was also vids of people praying in the street.  I wonder where all the priest / religious are.  There was a post on Reddit about someone who wants to come back to the church b/c he felt reawakened by it all.

Random note...

We have this one family...  The mother is Filipina, the Dad El Salvadorian.  Anyway, they have 4 girls and entire family is like Goth...  Except 1 of them!  Who is always decked out in pink!  HAHAHA!!!  I love it!

Then Sam West posted a letter his daughter sent to Lego asking for more girls in the Lego Mag.  Which I kinda giggled at b/c he's always posting things about gender neutral that girls can like boy things too.  I mean...  I get it.  I like lego and I suspect when they add more girls it will be like pink crap.  When...  As a girl I like the town sets, etc.

TAR started again!  "Watched" with 7500centfish.  It's a season of reality stars, Big Brother, Survivor and TAR.  I thought I was #TeamSurvivor, but then...  #TeamFun and Tyler and his...  I think they were dating, but have since broken up?  Korey?  I like Korey better though...  And...  The only Survivor personality I like is Rupert, but he and his wife are like so...  Not even trying!

Survivor, I was rooting for David Wright, but he was voted out.  They only brought back 1 person from the Edge of Extinction.  Don't know if they'll bring someone else in again.  But it seemed like the total number never seems to go down!  It seems like Wardog is gonna win.  At least he's a Mets fan!

  • I noticed there was a Mets beat reported who had a tape recorder...  Like an actual cassette tape recorder!  The next day, the Mets bombed and the starting pitcher was interviewed and guy was standing behind him!  And he went viral!!!  Not for the tape recorder but b/c he looks like a...  Founding Father!  HAHAHA!!!  So people are joking about Vargas's ERA being 17.76 or beat reporter at 7, then signing the Constitution at 10.  Him being a time traveler.  He was then never seen again...
  • They didn't have the Maple Bacon Chipotle sandwich at DD.  But instead they had a sweet sriracha bacon something or other.  Not as good.  Too spicy and not sweet enough.  Didn't like it.  Craving bagels but don't know if I want to deal with the Easter crowd next Sunday.
  • Saw Mrs. Wilson on PBS.  I had no interest till I heard mention of spies.  But then it was...  He's a writer, former spy, he dies.  Then a woman comes to the door saying she's the wife.  WHAT!?!  That turns into her trying to find out about his past.  Long story short his families are trying to clear his name / learn more about him.  His former handler said he was fired while another handler says he's like a scapegoat for another group so they could infiltrate the Russians...  Or is it the Russians infiltrate Britain?  Anyway...  Ruth Wilson then played her own Grandmother.  In a scene she holds who would be her own cousin.  Would have been funnier if she held herself!  It was confusing, yet interesting.
  • Les Mis started on PBS.  I have yet to see.  I was kinda irked b/c someone tweeted implying it being free of music was a good thing.  His response to my, "what's wrong with music?" was some people don't like musicals.  I don't know...  I was getting a smug vibe from it.  Oh it "ditches the songs" for the story.  And apparently the producer or whatever has a thing about the musical too.  I get you can't have the whole story and one of my favorite versions was an early 2000 version by a French company.  It told a more complete story.  But...  Music just evokes a different kind of emotion.  But at the same time...  People are surprised there is more to the story than there is to the musical.  What???  So in that sense, yeah, the musical sucks.  No it doesn't...  Haha.  I love you.  Lol.
  • I watched baseball instead.  OMG...  I get it's baseball history, but a lot of fans were complaining they interviewed Hank Aaron and kept the camera on the booth and not the field.  Can we at least see the game if you're not gonna talk about it!  Even our radio guy complained b/c he missed a replay!  I hate nationally televised baseball.  No one cares.  Also as I tweeted, baseball is such a regional sport a majority of people only watch their local team there is no point in national broadcast beside the revenue it brings in.  It doesn't bring in more fans / appeal.  Add to that they keep repeating thing that we've heard for years!  That ARod grew up a Mets fan.  deGrom was a short stop.  Ugh...
  • #catholictwitter, catholicism, #teamsurvivor, #teamfun, mets thoughts

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