I'm too hyped up to sleep right now.

Jan 28, 2019 00:50

Just finished RENT live.  It's wasn't great, but it was fun to text 7500centfish, live tweet and laugh at.  Let me preface anything with...  I was never a fan of RENT.  It, like musicals today, wasn't my style of music.  Either way, I saw it back in the earlyish 2000s?  Still didn't dive into the fandom after that, but I did become a fan of the guy playing Roger, AKA Cary Shields.  From that I was exposed to Taboo, Raul Esparza, etc, etc.  And like I said (?) when I went through a mini RENT phase recently, I only listen to...  Like less than 10 songs from it.  7500centfish was complaining about lyric changes.  I couldn't even tell you.

First off...  My screen was black / pixelly for the 1st 7 minutes.  So I have to catch the 1st part onDemand at some point.  The guy playing Mark wasn't bad to begin with.  There were parts later when I felt he couldn't hit the notes.  I forever compare every One Song Glory to Cary Shields' version.  This Roger wasn't bad.  But like other performances they weren't projecting.  Oh yeah...  Basically it was mostly prerecorded b/c the dude broke his foot.  Looking back...  They should have really just had him in a chair the entire time singing live.  B/c overall the performances were lacking.  Some say it was to preserve voices for the live performance?  Possibly.  B/c honestly, I'm jumping ahead, the closing number, which was actually live had life to it and the preformances were actually good.  Uh...  Let me check my tweets.  BRB.

Once again the live audience was distracting, downing out the performances at times.  Cheering at odd moments.  For example any random belt.  Good God...  It's like people are conditioned to cheer for any person belting out a note.  It's annoying.  Angel / Valentina was out of breath by the end of Today For You.  The camera action was dizzying at times.  LOL!!!  During Take Me Or Leave Me, I tweeted the Miscast version with Gavin Creel / Aaron Tveit, adding it's hot Aaron's brother is a priest, then added a link to MassTimes.Org.  People were actually clicking on the link.  HAHAHA!!!


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Where was I?  Oh so the last 10 minutes, after What You Own and jumping into a mosh pit / running up a ladder, they had Roger sitting on a table with a cast on his leg.  "Is that cast accurate to 1992?"  Lol!  I then commented how it's better live, etc.  Anyway, at the end they brought out the original cast and sang Season of Love.

As I said, the performances we lacking, but at the same time I feel like we missed out b/c it was a prerecorded rehearsal.  And what was the point of the Greatest Showman chick?  She was literally just a random cast member.  Or as someone tweeted Joanne's high notes.  HAHAHA!

I also tweeted...  Do kids today even understand the HIV / AIDS epidemic?  I mean, living through the 80s and 90s it was kinda unavoidable.  But even by the time I got to medical school, with advances in medicine, etc.  It doesn't seem to be as big of a deal.  People with HIV die of other / natural causes.  But at the same time since it's not a news maker really...  Like we had this one patient who was emaciated and the attending basically said she had "the look".  Like being unaware, by the time it's discovered it's too late.  I then had another attending talk about when the 1st cases started popping up, it was a scary time.  He mentioned accidentally sticking himself at some point and doesn't even want to get tested b/c he just doesn't want to know.

Sorry to end on a downer.


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