I haven't been motivated to write really.

Jan 29, 2019 22:27

Yeah, I popped out a few entries in the last few days, but like...  I haven't written about all these notes that are piling up and...  I kinda wanted to do another Crack Catholicism post.  But...  All I want to do is sleep.  I then wake up in the middle of the night and I don't want to pray and just check social media and go to sleep again.  Ugh...

I'm kinda just writing randomly b/c I don't want to go to sleep.  I also don't have the...  I can't even think of the words right now.  My attention span is so low I don't even want to watch the TV shows on my DVR.  I have an ep of Victoria I didn't see b/c I was watching RENT.  I pretty much stopped watching Manifest and A Million Little Things.  I saw the 1st ep of Project Blue Book, but I wasn't into it so following eps of that are still on my DVR.  Uh...  There is this new Black Dahlia show that I want to try.  Tons of Mets stuff I have from previous seasons.  Ugh.

I don't know what else to write.  Notes?

I randomly remembered one time when Tita E was concerned about my soul b/c I had a gargoyle in my room...  I then defended it saying churches have gargoyles.  With that I then remembered how...  Some of the aunts on Dad's side thought I was the bad seed / first to be pregnant.  OK...  I hate people.

Multiple podcast I listen to mention Pope Benedict, before he was pope and his writing.  How he was in league with von Balthasar and de Lubac...  Who I guess are big names in modern theology.  Anyway...  It makes me sad that he was pope for such a short time.  And...  Along with that Exorcist guy saying Pope Benedict is a powerful exorcist.  It makes me wonder if at some point he will be canonized.

I had a dream I went to confession.  And like I said in a previous entry, the fact I don't have any mortal sins right now, I was basically lying / thinking up things to say.

In the latest ep of Clerically Speaking...  Well, I'm also following them, other priest / seminarians that all know each other.  Anyway, they keep discussing blowing up the moon.  I tweeted...  Someone from the Diocese of Orlando should really be weighing in on this.  FYI...  According to canon law any new land that is discovered is part of the diocese of the discoverer.  So the fact the Apollo missions came from Cape Canaveral (Cape Kennedy?) the moon is in the Diocese of Orlando.  HAHAHA!!!

Oh and that one dude sounds like Fr. Olaf from CSYSK.  And...  For some reason with their pics / voices...  They just seem the type to have the other person's voice.  Well...  I've only seen a pic of one of them and he just looks to me to have a deep voice, but he doesn't compared to the other.

CSYSK.  I secretly love Fr. Mike...  And I love that Fr. Michael calls him Mikey.  Anyway...  Fr. John is the hot one and I admit that hotness partly brought me in.  But...  I really like Fr. Mike's topics.  They're like theological, but not too deep / hard to understand, like Fr. John's are at times.  Then...  I love that he entered seminary with a mohawk and left Rome with a rat tail!  He wears flip flops with a cassock, shorts with clerics, mass without shoes with the Sisters of Charity.  Love it!

Fr. Nathan is 7500centfish's Spirit Animal.  He too dislikes IPAs and Fr. John says Fr. Nathan's love language is to feed people with the food he likes.  HAHHA!!

I twitter searched Aaron Tveit's brother and someone tweeted they were disappointed Aaron made a movie about a woman suing the church to become a priest.  The comment was his brother is a trad and would be disappointed.  Someone then commented to that his brother sung the best Latin mass they've been to.  HAHAHA!!!

I'm gonna end everything with HAHAHA!!! now.  HAHAHA!!!

Catholic Answers.  Someone called about a priest from Miami who left the priesthood, got married then later converted to Episcopalian and became a priest with them.  The question was...  Does the fact he was consecrated to the priesthood and continues to celebrate a type of mass...  Is the sacrament valid.  Yes.  I was surprised by the answer.  Basically the word and form is not the same, but similar enough.  I thought the fact he left the Catholic church would negate it.  But at the same time...  Once a priest always a priest.

Oh, that reminds me...  So Fr. O'Laughlin is bi ritual.  But they never explain how.  He's a Byzantine Catholic pastor, but then he mentions doing mass for some nuns and did a Roman wedding once.  Then the other priests have concelebrated a Byzantine Divine Liturgy which is valid.  Just...  How does that work?  I then read if say...  You were Latin Rite and wanted to "convert" to Byzantine or another Eastern Catholic church you'd need permission from the Bishop and it's easier to go Byzantine to Latin but not the opposite.  Like...  They have to be wary of men converting, getting married, then becoming priests.  I then read if you were raised in Latin rite, but there is a lack of Eastern rite priests, then you can become bi ritual, but...  Fr. Olaf was baptized Roman, converted to Byzantine in his teens.  Went to Steubenville...  So I don't know what type of seminary he went to, etc, etc.  "You Romans!"

Probably backtracking with this...  But there was a...  I can't find the original post, but Dan Levin reposted it adding he didn't invent the hash tag #ExposeChristianSchools.  Maybe...  B/c I noticed the comments to his tweet were all positive, while just the hashtag were mostly negative.  Anyway...  I don't regret my Catholic school education.  It was very good.  Hm...  Maybe I wasn't challenged enough.  But did it teach me to be Catholic?  That's what I question.  Once again Catholic Answers...  Someone asked about school and Trent Horn was like they promote themselves as prep schools, excellent in sports, etc.  Even Boomer Esiason blasted St. A's saying they're recruiting people out of public schools.  Anyway...  Trent was basically saying you need to have people on every level if not actively teaching Catholicism, live up to those ideals.  And...  They just don't.  Yes, we prayed daily, had mass available.  But...  Outside theology class?  OK, we had brothers and nuns as teachers, but still...  Long story short, it still has to come from the home.

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Steve the Missionary's review of RENT.  I really like his reasoning why a Catholic should watch something like this.  I also agree with his review of the singing.  Always be on your A game.  You never know when someone is gonna break their foot!  HAHAHA!!!

catholicism, #exposechristianschools, dream

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