Jesus Christ Superstar Live.

Apr 01, 2018 23:22

I don't remember when I heard about this.  But my initial reaction was "Ew...  A concert."  Thinking Les Mis, people standing on a stage, just singing.  Not that I dislike Les Mis.  But seeing clips of the stage / set...  Maybe it's not a concert concert?  Still, I didn't really know.  I was indifferent about the cast.  But then I heard Ben Daniels was in it as Pontius Pilate.  Yes please!  But then I'd read something and I'd be turned off, read another, be excited.  Anyway...

It started.  Oh, that's what they mean by a concert.  Basically, it was kinda like Grease Live where you hear the audience cheer and...  It was distracting.  I'll get to more of that.  And...  As I said before it really is all about Judas and Jesus.  And...  In a sense Heaven On Their Minds is a litmus test and...  He was OK vocally, just...  There was so little emotion that I was immediately put off.  Then John Legend came out as Jesus.  And...  I was initially impressed.  He had the emotion and energy I was looking for, but then Judas didn't match it.  But then as it went on...  When did I completely turn against it?

HAHAHA!!!  So when I started watching takyttik82 texted me asking if I was watching.  Chatted a bit, but after 1st commercial we stopped.  Haha.  I tweeted that I couldn't live tweet / text takyttik82 and watch at the same time!  Instead of takyttik82, I ended up chatting with this Monkees / Yankees fan I follow on Twitter.

Oh so...  Slowly I was realizing John Legend really isn't fit for this role.  Getsemene was the nail in the coffin.  He went into a falsetto, that wasn't strong enough and I don't even know.  It wasn't good.  I admit I'm comparing him to Ted Neeley from the movie, but seriously.  Then Pilate...  I had read Ben Daniels has 0 musical background, but...  How hard can Pilate be.  Apparently very.  He was kinda awful too.

Sara Bareilles was fine.  I'm not a fan of I Don't Know How To Love Him, but her rendition was good...  If not ruined by cheering.  I swear!  The cheering / wooing / applause ruined it.  Like they'd applaud at inappropriate times.  Like during Blood Money / Betrayal, before he betrays Jesus they're clapping as if it's over also with his suicide, before he goes into...  What was it?  Was it the "I don't know how to love him" part?  Some time after or even before?  Then what the!?!  So lame!  Instead of showing his suicide he runs up some scaffolding and knocks over a ladder!  HAHAHA!!!  Wimps!

All over the place.

Someone commented on John's performance lacked the humility Ted had.  I agree.  Like he was playing into the crowed too much and even in Simon Zealots, that when he did Poor Jerusalem, I wasn't buying it.

If I had gone in not knowing anything about the story (I don't know how that is possible...) I'd be confused as hell.  Who are all these people!?!  Like I said, when Pilate showed up...  Then it seemed like some people just came in for Alice Cooper.  WTF is this song!?!  I was underwhelmed by his performance too.

Then like I said, I was live tweeting with one of my twitter peeps, who was upset they stayed close to the movie, played it safe.  Not that I heard any uproar...  But I guess having a Black Jesus and female apostles isn't enough?  But then again...  Like I said, I didn't hear anything, maybe it's a moot point in today's society?  I was half expecting the Judas kiss to be on the lips!  But then again they wimped out with the suicide so...

Anyway, I liked the staging and...  The Crucifixion / John 19:41 always gets me, no matter the production.  But the performances were underwhelming / bad.  I'm contemplating canceling my amazon preorder.  But I have a habit of buying CDs for 1 song, so...  I can add that to a pile of barely listened to CDs.

If I had to rank...  1.  Movie.  2.  Arena.  3.  This version.  4.  I don't even remember the 2000 cast.  Other than Tony Vincent being it it, so I can't really comment.

Other stuff.

Easter.  We never do anything for Easter.  I mean, besides going to church.  I spent the day in my room, watched JCS, the movie, then the Mets game.  Not much else.  Lol...  We ate at McDonalds for breakfast.


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