Two Weekends

Apr 15, 2018 19:57

Two Weekends

sparkyboy noted 7500centfish's been coming home a lot recently.  Last weekend she came b/c of Dad's birthday.  This weekend, her friends were in the city and wanted to go to a Mets game (this was before knowing their record...)  Anyway, so since 7500centfish took the day off, I requested the day off too.  I was sure I had used both of my personal days.  1 for snow and the other for Mom's operation/non operation.  So I asked Marna if I could make up the time b/c I had a lot of weddings to go to / Mom said we're going to HH this summer.  So...  I intended to stay an hour here and there after work, maybe work a weekend.  Not that one...  But then I came in on Monday, Marna said she'd just ask me to stay a random weekend or stay longer in the day if it gets busy.  As of yet she hasn't asked, but I dislike not knowing when that time will be.  Anyway...  We ended up going to mass in the AM.  Planned to eat out, but cooked breakfast at home instead.  Queens came, including durlxnemesis and we headed to the cemetery.  Ate at Chili's.  Mom then wanted to bring everyone to the movies, but they only had one showing at almost 4 and Queens thought it was too late.  So we ended up going home to rest up a bit, while Queens went to the mall.

Saw St. Paul, Apostle of Christ.  I mean...  I assumed it was Acts of the Apostles / conversion story time line, but other than that I was clueless.  Basically Luke goes back and forth between their hidden community and the prison Paul is locked up in to transcribe his story.  Then Luke treats the head of the prison's daughter, which makes him respect Paul / Luke / the Christians, but at the same time not being able to do much to save them.  Anyway...  I swear half of my church was there.  Ok, only 2, but I rarely see church people outside of church, less immediately after church at a breakfast establishment.  Then they showed a trailer for a Pope "movie" documentary and the audience applauded when it was over.  So...  Is St. Paul a Catholic movie?  Or a broader Christian movie?  Does Jim Cavezel make it appealing to Catholics more than other movies?

That reminds me...  While we were in Queens waiting for Mom to get home from Massachusetts, sparkyboy had the TV on a Lord Of The Rings movie.  And I asked him to explain it to me in a Christian perspective.  He had no clue, so I googled it.  Anyway, something interesting I read is that it's more Catholic vs Christian.  At least according to this article, Catholic works focus on characters being symbols of various Christian virtues while Christian works are more like Messiah stories where one character is there to save everyone.  Now...  I've never seen any of the LOTR movies nor read the books, but they were saying that no one character is the Christ like figure, but each is affected by the power of the ring in a different way.

Might as well write this now?  So...  I was feeling...  I don't even know how to describe it.  Not that I'm going to pray more or go to church more than once a week.  Oh and I discovered by cannon law I'm not a practicing Catholic...  Basically I haven't been to confession regularly since HS and I don't think my Amazon Smile going to Catholic Charities counts.  Anyway!  I had stumbled on this youtube vid back in the day about this Protestant girl who has interest in Catholicism, but can't get past some things.  So a new vid of her pops up in my recommendations.  She's now converted.  Anyway, her conversion came about wanting to research on the early church and basically coming to the realization the Catholic Church is closest to what that was.  Long story short...  I went to Catholic school and learned church history, and I've come to understand the differences, yet...  I don't think I was well taught.  Like enough to defend myself against someone who is arguing Protestant v Catholic or whatever.  I mean...  I don't know how to express myself, period, so...  But like I said, I went to Catholic school and...  Thinking back on the lessons, maybe I missed the point, but I don't remember anything being said other than Jesus loves me and nothing more.  So I find myself watching / reading like Brideshead Revisited and stuff.  Getting little things here and there.  Like how a theme is one can not achieve salvation without suffering.  Anyway...  I have run out of things to go further into it without reading things myself and I'm far too lazy for that.  I wish there were some online RCIA class for people who are already Catholic.

Anyway...  Back to vacay time.  In addition to HH, I need time off for Zach's wedding, which is a Sun, so I'll prob take that Mon off, then Elaine's is on a Fri, so that Thurs off.  That's 2 days.  Then TG, 3.  Christmas 4 to 5?  Or I can take another day off for the weddings.  I think 7500centfish is staying in Chicago till Mon.  Queens doesn't even know if they're going to 1 or both of these.  But as far as I can tell Mom wants to go to both.

So Marna actually asked me to work the Sat after, but I said no.  7500centfish and I had plans!  Mom and her sibs went up to Massachusetts for Divine Mercy Sunday.  7500centfish and I had semi plans.  She mentioned Cooperstown, but she often mentions going, but we never do.  Somewhere along the line, going to a Rumble Ponies, the Mets AA team, game came up.  And we actually did these!  First we dropped Mom off at Queens then headed to Cooperstown.  I think we left home around 5, got to Queens at 6, then arrived in Cooperstown at almost 10.  The museum was pretty much empty when we first got there.  The first room was like a quick intro to each team.  I guess it's more current, but dated at the same time.  I mean, it had Murphy and Granderson's jerseys hanging and some scorecards, bats and stuff.  Then the other rooms were basically a chronological history of baseball from the beginning.  Now...  The Mets didn't come into existence till the 1960s, so...  They had a records room, art gallery, etc.  At the end was the Hall Of Fame plaques.  Now...  The Mets have 2 people who were inducted as Mets so I went straight for them.  We then left and went to the gift shop.  There I realized we missed Carter (in as an Expo)!  So we went back.  We went through the entrance again and it was busy!  Anyway, so we went back for Carter and other players that once played or managed the Mets.  We were done around 12.  Grabbed lunch on the road and headed to Binghamton.  We got there just at 3, before the game started.  Sat around till Tebow batted then walked the park.  Not much considering it's a single level plus suites.  Gift shop.  Bought a Rumble Ponies long sleeve shirt and a fake Rumble Pony beanie toy.  7500centfish bought Mom a Tebow shirsy.  They won, but Tebow went 0-3.  Struck out twice and flied out to left.  We were then about to leave and we saw people standing by a door.  So we tried to stage door for Tebow.  A few players came out then they kicked us out.  There was a crowd around a car in the parking lot and people were running toward it.  Tebow!  Lol...  We managed to just take pics of him, but not with him, nor an autograph.  I was then joking we should have asked him to pray over us or say something in Tagalog.

Anyway, like I said, 7500centfish came back home this weekend.  I don't know why exactly 7500centfish's friends wanted to see a Mets game and not a Yankees game.  7500centfish mentioned them wanting to try all the stadiums or as much as they can.  The guy is from CA and the girl is from PA.  Anyway, they had decided to come before the season even started and...  At that point the Mets were 11-1 and on a 9 game winning streak.  I wasn't all that optimistic...  I mean, they're doing great, have been resilient, yet...  It's got to come crashing down some time.  And...  I'm a jinx.  Plus, Harvey is mediocre at best.  That being said I was still hopeful.  Anyway, Mom was supposed to come, but she's not feeling well and had to put medication in my aunts' eyes.  So we dragged durlxnemesis along, also picked up Tita Nette.  Normally there is a giveaway, this time it was just fireworks night so I wasn't in a great rush to get there.  But then we hit traffic...  Anyway, we arrived there 30 mins later than I was hoping.  Got to the seats, grabbed something to eat.  Shopped and made it back to the seats after the anthem, but before the game started.  7500centfish met up with her friends and...  Harvey gave up a 3 run HR early and...  We were no hit till 5 or so.  I went to get food for myself in the 3rd and didn't get back till 5.  I got The Mex Burger from Keith's Grill.  It was surprisingly not hot with the amount of peppers on it.  I guess whatever else was in it neutralized it, b/c eating the peppers alone was HOT!  7500centfish told her friends of places they could try seeing at Citi Field.  I don't know what they did exactly.  It was pretty cold / windy.  LOL!!!  So it was 70 almost 80 during the day.  So warm I think people miscalculated the change in weather.  It was in the 40 that night.  A lot of people were in tshirts and short.  7500centfish was in shorts and borrowed her friends hoodie.  I was wearing thermals.  My only miscalculation was I didn't wear a scarf!  Anyway, they may have just spent the time warming up in the Jim Beam (formerly the Promenade) Club.  In convo, I also mentioned why Wilmer walks up to the Friends theme song.  Basically he falls asleep to the show every night and he watched it when he first came to the US at 16 and learned English from it.  7500centfish told them where they can watch the bullpen, I added the All Star Game Apples.  The Rotunda.  I don't know if they went behind the Apple.  Shea Bridge.  Anyway, we eventually got a hit and scored a run.  But we lost.  I guess we'll have to end the season at 160-2.  HAHAHA!!!  But seriously, I have hopes for this season.  That being said, the post game show...  It was sounding like Panic Citi and Harvey is trash and needs to be sent down.

They won again today.  Let's start another 9 game winning streak!  Or like I said, a 148 game winning streak!

I have an MD appt on Tuesday.  I was able to see my blood results online before seeing the doctor.  Ugh...  My BS is still high and...  I don't see a change with me exercising.  Am I over compensating b/c of the exercise.  There are times when I feel hypoglycemic so I have a yogurt or something.  But...  It's still high.  I don't really know.  Maybe I need to be more active on charting what I eat and not eat so much.  Ugh...  And I feel like I bloat up immediately after eating a bite.  Then when I exercise 2 hours after I eat there is still food in my stomach so exercising I stop digesting and then I'm burping up / bringing up food.  Ew.

mets, stage door

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