No interwebs / tv / phone...

Jun 13, 2017 23:45

Thank God we have AC!  Oh wait...

Listening to TGC through my studio monitors...  Aural porn!!!

I just came home and I noticed I was connected to the router, but there was no internet.  And unplugging the interwebs thing did nothing.  Mom then said she picked up "my" medicine, which the doctor d/c'd so she tried to call, but no phone.  After dinner I went up to watch the Mets game and :(

Then...  It's hot as hell, but I haven't turned on the AC b/c Dad is sitting around in his winter coat / hat all the time, so...  Suffering through the heat.  But all things considering, I'd rather be sweating.

Anyway...  geebs commented on my lastish entry.  Lol...  When I woke up in the AM, I felt my last post was like a drunk tweet.  Lol.  But Anthony responded that he saw on tumblr people were surprised by the DEH win as well.  He personally enjoyed DEH and challenged me to not cry.  My heart is made of stone!  Anyway, I saw a thread from before the Tonys DEH vs TGC...  It's down to preference.  DEH is more emotional.  TGC is a spectacle.  Negatives being the music.  The fact everything is sung...  How is it any less weird to be talking and suddenly break into song?  Then lyrics...  I get the lyrics part.  Someone mentioned the talking in 3rd person.  I noticed in the play bill there is a note saying it's based on a certain translation.  And I gather some or most of they lyrics are straight from the book?  So I respect that.  Then even the harmony / melodies...  There is this certain song.  When they first harmonized off each other I was like WTF...  But then I was like...  It's so off it's genius!  But that's just me.  But I can also see how it's off putting.  Even Mom said she didn't like the music.  So yes, I can see how it can be personal taste.  Anyway, what I really wanted to write...  Someone was ranting that...  I can't find it, but it was quoted on this twitter.  Maybe it was deleted?  It's basically a response to Hamilton winning last year, to correct the mistake.  Huh?  How...  TGC has a diverse cast and Broadway is trying to return to the white male version.  Now...  While 1/2 of the title cast is black and there is another character who is black and the guy replacing Josh Groban is black and there are a few black ensemble...  I wouldn't go an say it's any more diverse than the average cast.  So I don't see where their argu [11:20 P.M. Sorry, TV turned on so I was watching the Mets get blown away by the Cubs.]  So I didn't see where their argument is.  Maybe it's the unconventionality of it and...  People love that or hate it.  Part of me was wondering if there was some payola type thing going on.  Cause seriously...  Just 2 awards???    I don't know.

It's so hot I can't function...


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