I hate the heat...

Jun 18, 2017 22:45

I seriously changed into a house dress...  Ugh, I prefer the cold of winter to the heat of summer.  And it isn't even summer yet!  Anyway...

They came yesterday, went to Bertucci's so I bought Dad some spaghetti and meatballs.  Also got him tiramisu, but that melted.  So he had a bit of that yesterday and again today.

All these Father's Day posts on twitter, with their Dad's at baseball games...  I jokingly said it made me kinda sad b/c Dad and I never did that together.  As I've said before, it's always been my Mom and Aunts.  Yet, I'm surprised at how much my Dad understands...  Anyway, I then commented on my own tweet saying he brought me to museums, amusement parks, paid for me to see bway shows, etc.

Anyway, 7500centfish invited me to go to DC this weekend to see Hedwig and the Angry Inch.  I saw it in NY with her with Neal Patrick Harris, but this was at the Kennedy Center with Euan Morton.  OMG...  Honestly, I don't remember any of the songs / it didn't leave a lasting impression with me.  But Euan Morton!!!  I've been a fan of his from Taboo, even when I never saw it, but Cary Shields (From RENT) was in it, also Raul Esparza, etc.  So I was a little obsessed with him back in the day.  Then he was the first version of SOWK I listened to.  So...  I was tempted.  But it was Father's Day and...  It was too expensive to go down to DC, plus the ticket.  Then I don't have any more days off than the ones I already scheduled, so...  I guess I'll have to see him in something else.  Anyway, TC said he had better range than NPH.  I would have stage doored.  But...

I bought the Lego Batman Movie and Passengers.  The latter I wanted to see in the movie theater.  I was intrigued by the premise of...  Hibernation in space, but then accidentally waking up.  But OMG...  While watching it.  Apparently I have some sort of space phobia.  I was anxious the entire time watching it!  Then there is this part where he is floating free in space.  Flash backs to Space Camp!  That movie seriously scarred me for life!  But other than that I enjoyed it.  Apparently it got bad reviews / people thought it could have been better if the focus was on JLaw.  It could have been a space thriller.  SPOILER ALERT!!!  I half expected there to be people / their offspring running around.  But then...  They had like almost 90 years left.  Maybe their children died by that point and unless they had / knew how to artificially inseminated or had some weird incest going on I don't see there being more than 2 generations.  Lol...  Someone then turned it into a rant about a man taking away her choice...  Geeze...  I just saw it as a romance / action movie!  Am I horrible?

Oh so Aures came yesterday.  They basically did everything we did in reverse.  Well kinda...  Tita Nette had an eye MD appointment, so I drove them to the mall.  I then drove home.  They got picked up at the mall.  They picked Mom and I up and we went to the cemetery and then ate at Bertucci's.  Then went to Bed Bath and Beyond.  Aures got to the cemetery while we were eating.  Then went to Betrucci's as we were at Bed Bath, then went to the Mall, then stopped by the house.  They were only here for a few mins and headed back.  Oh then part of the visit was lecturing me about my blood sugar...

In the car...  Tita Nette brought up seeing Tebow.  Like I said, if no one but her and I want to go...

7500centfish showed me a link to a Nat Geo Ancestry DNA type service.  Honestly those Ancestry DNA commercials annoy me.  Especially that one guy who grew up believing he was Irish and did Irish step dancing, but then discovered he was German or something.  DNA does not determine culture.  I'm more interested in genealogy vs DNA, which is weird considering what TC and my careers / educational background are.  And from all the youtube vids I've seen from Filipino / Asian results.  It's not very good / too broad unless you're of European / African descent.  Then part of me would be a little freaked out if I had European ancestry...  Yet, not surprised if I had Chinese.  Dad very strongly says they are pure Filipino.  But...  Mom's side not so much.  Grandpa had a lot of Chinese Filipino traits and Grandma has a lot of Chinese Filipino customs so...

Oh...  So I did finally ask the cousins if they wanted to see TGC.  Yes, but not avail right now.  It also appears to be a hard to get ticket right now...  I don't know if it's b/c Josh Groban is leaving or it's the effect of their Tony performance.  Certainly not because they didn't win...  Anyway...  Turns out Ingrid Michaelson is stepping is for Brittain Ashford / Sonya.  I hate Ingrid Michaelson...  Well hate is a strong word...  She opened for Keane one time when I went and at some point after the fact, I had bought a few of her albums and I thought...  Maybe I could like her.  She then had a pop up show with 100 tickets.  Only.  So I tried to get one and it sold out in mins.  Maybe even seconds.  So she was blacklisted in my mind.  That being said...  I was kinda obsessed with this song...  Also being said...  I'm warming to the possibility of seeing her in it.  Or anyone else really.
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