(no subject)

May 25, 2007 17:34

I hate money.

Actually, what I hate is not having any of it.

Gertrude is completely and officially dead. The computer place I took her to thought that they could fix her, but even after putting in the new part, she didn't work. The repair guy told me that he expected that when that part blew it took out some other parts with it, and there was no way for him to tell what exactly needed replacing. So, I could pay for a new motherboard, but that would be stupid, since it would cost as much as a new computer. So, I have to buy a new computer, and realistically, it will probably be between 600 and 700 dollars. And I had to pay 60 to the computer place for their time/labor.

I really just can't afford it. Thank goodness I have my emergency fund. I'm going to have to use all of that. I suppose Monday, I'll close out that account and just move it all to checking. I hate hate hate hate using my emergency fund right now. I had intended to save it for grad school, but I suppose this qualifies as an emergency.

And I have to buy a graduation gift for Ben (already bought Meredith's) and I do want it to be something nice. I think I'm getting him a laptop case - which should run about 30 or 40 dollars - which I could have afforded easily before this, but its really going to stretch things to the limit.

I had wanted to get some graduation gifts for my other friends too - I had had some really great ideas - but I just can't afford it right now. I feel like such a jerk.

And... I haven't even thought about how I'm going to buy textbooks for next semester. A bunch of my friends are planning a big trip to Dollywood right before school starts, and I really had wanted to go - one big "hurrah we're seniors" thing, but I don't know if that's feasible now.

The only way this will work out is if I get the English scholarship which I applied for - which /could/ happen, but I'm not holding my breath.

So, those of you that I'll be seeing this summer - I'm not going to be able to spend ANY money with you. I'm sorry. I really am.

Thankfully, I'm living with my parents for most of the summer (except for Mexico), so I don't have to worry about eating or petrol costs. If I wasn't, I seriously wouldn't even be eating right now. And Mexico should be fairly cheap, so that doesn't worry me too very much.

So...there's my whine for the day....
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