Aug 15, 2007 19:33
So, I haven't been on here in a good long while.
I'm back from Mexico. It was amazing. I really didn't want to leave, and now that I'm back in the real world, I miss Puebla horribly. The people, the food, the atmosphere...all of it.
I have a job at the Baker Center, as a student archival assistant. I'll be working in their reading room helping researchers. I'm really really sorry to leave my job at Hodges, but this is a great opportunity. And the pay is 1.10 more an hour which is nice. I'm really going to miss everyone in the Conservation Lab though. :(
Our car overheated today (its just Meredith and I at home right now), so we're carless. Sucks, because I sold some textbooks on Amazon, and I was supposed to ship them today. I feel really badly about that, but there was no way for me to get to the post office. Randi is going to come over after work tomorrow and give me a lift to the post office and the grocery store, so thats something. I just hope that the post office will be still be open by the time she gets off.
For the first time since I've been at school, my scholarships aren't enough to cover all my expenses. They've really raised tuition and room and board a TON. Fortunately, I just received an additional scholarship from the English Dept, so I'm going to be just fine, but if I hadn't picked up that this summer, I would be in a pretty bad financial way. I wish UT's administrators could get it through their bone skulls that however small 5,000 tuition, and 2400 room and board sounds, its really a lot of money when you're paying your own way. I really feel awful for people who haven't been able to get scholarships like I have
And, I'm having to write a paper for one of my Spanish classes that I took in Mexico. Its 4 pages, and I've done 3, so I'm getting there. Its due on Monday, and I have a 5 page one due on Sept 20th. Ugh. I really wish I was done with school, so I could have a break before starting all over again.