Jun 05, 2007 20:41
I hate how so many people changed. I know life went on without me, its just that I feel so forgotten and like everyone lied about missing me so much. Because let's face it, if they really missed me, theyd really be calling me a whole lot more. Whatever. I know who I'll always have. <333
Something still isnt right with me. I mean, I feel great, so much better, but like, I still get random little aches and pains, and they're barely even bad enough to bother me at all, theyre really SO MINOR, and they go away in like a minute, but still, it's not really normal. I dont know what to do about it though. The doctor already did a million tests and said I'm fine. I think I'm crazy. But I know I know myself better than that. I'm not too worried anymore.
15 minutes until I can call the love of my life without running up my cell phone bill. I accidentally did that last month. OOPS.
A far as the job search goes, I think I fucked up the Bath and Body Works phone interview, I think I confused if 1 meant yes or no. They seemed so ready to hire me before I took that thing, and it was a few days ago and they still havent called me. Oh well. I have a prospect that seems awesome, and I really hope it finally works out for me. If it doesn't, I really have no idea what I'm gonna do!
GAHHH. Someone get me a job and a life. Or make it easy and just send me back to Fredonia. No, don't. I love my family. More than I realized. And I love my (loyal) home friends.
Time to call David. BYEEE.