Oct 09, 2005 15:51
ok so i went to the anthrax, judas priest show friday and that kicked so much ass, so 15 friends i went to school with and did green room with, fucking awsome, so now im contemplating what to do, i need my new apartment so we dont deal with dram of bryan and his dumbass friends, hopefully ill be starting my new job soon as soon as i get my car on the road, which will kick ass no more public transportaion, thinking about moving to peabody in a town house that would rock set up a bar that looks like fenway park and make it all cool, and invite all my buddies over and have fun, well i need surgury cause i have a tumore on my siatic nerve. i know i probably spelt that wrong. but that will keep me out ffor atleast 2 weeks, well nothing more to say but lata.