Oct 11, 2005 18:36
Gather arond maggots, Uncle Havik has a story for you. So Im at work and some guy dressed in cermonial robes walks up to me in the food court, and hands me a Flyer and starts talking to me about Scientology. What the fuck is this why is it that every time, I leave my store I got someone preaching to me about so religion? This is niw 3 times few months back about the bible bashing christian, the scientologist last week, and now tonight. Can a guy eat Burger King in peace, So I polietly told him that I am pagan and I do ot wish to hear about scientology. But the lil bastard keept trying tp talk to me about it. Well I came back to my store and came to a conclusion thatthe people who are doing this preaching are the real deal, or they just are fakers and pretending to believe in something. Seriously who believes that aliens brought us here? Its a possability, but I highly doubt it. well im off im really craving the FITZ Saturday havent been there in a month but by the end of the week im gonna need it, ok Maggots leave uncle Havik some love.