Yesterday I was grateful to knock more items off my to-do list than I expected to. I think most people have something like this, but I have a mental to-do list of stuff. Or maybe it's a few lists. There's a 'needs to happen today' list and a 'needs to happen this week' list and sometimes a 'needs to happen when I have the chance' list.
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Today I'm grateful for my Dad, who gave me his chili recipe, titled 'Found Object Chili' and including the instruction 'If the smoke alarm is not going off at this point, you're doing something wrong.' I love my Dad
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It's really frustrating when you make a promise to a child and then the weather conspires to make a liar out of you... Went shopping with
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So I have tunnel vision. It allows me to focus on a task until completion, but it also means that I don't notice the passage of time and I will forget about other necessary tasks while in the middle of one. I use lists and timers to help me use my tunnel vision but not let it take me over. Today is definitely a list and timer day. Tonight I
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