What started out as just another ho-hum work week ended on an awesome note...
my birthday present from Timmy finally arrived in the mail on Thursday (after much suspense, teehee) and I have to say that it was definitely worth the wait. :) *melts* I don't think I've ever received a sweeter or more thoughtful -not to mention creative- present from anyone. <3 <3 <3 (Thanks, sweetie! I absolutely love it!!!) Timmy made me this little visual book that accompanied a CD with some songs he'd picked out for me... AND he threw in a little Ernie plush doll and a super cute shirt which I looove. *sigh* Why Ernie? Well, apparently I laugh just like him *hee, hee, hee*. And I have an affinity for rubber duckies. :P Haha
Anyway, let me immortalize my newest prized possesions:
check out my favourite "love is..." characters... aww! Love is Irene and Timmy!
And to top off my week, my girls and I FINALLY met up for a long-overdue night out and belated birthday celebration. We did dinner and drinks... and had a fun and goofy night like old times. yay! :)