I Hate You Too [prologue]

Jul 19, 2011 23:10

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal. The only thing I really own would be the ideas that go into this.

Author's Note at the bottom.

Friends with benefits. Nothing more, and everything less.

If you could even consider the two 'friends'. They never talked, never had in the first place. And to any normal person, they hated each other. You would never have assumed out of everyone, Jack and Alex would be fucking.

And that had nothing to do with the fact that Jack and Zack were together, in fact that was such a small part of why Alex felt guilty for it all, that sometimes Alex felt guilty for not feeling incredibly guilty.

The main reason that the guilt would constantly eat him alive, was that it was Jack he was doing this with. And Jack was such a fucking asshole to him, you'd be surprised to know that they could stand to be in the same room together.

The older boy liked to call it 'enemies with benefits'.

He wasn't even sure how it all started. They were at some party one night, and they were both sober. Next thing Alex knew, Jack was pulling out of him and telling him that they should 'do that again sometime'. So they did. The older boy thought that maybe after all of this, just maybe Jack would at least acknowledge his existence. But that thought was short lived, because it never happened, and Alex knew it never would.

Jack didn't have much of an opinion on it all, and even if he did, Alex wouldn't know it. Everyone knew that Jack slept around, even his own boyfriend. But no one ever said anything about it, and Zack sat back quietly through it all simply because he loved Jack. And Jack loved him. Or at least, Zack thought he did. He hoped he did.

The funny part of it all, the thing that made Alex actually want to laugh, was that Zack was one of his best friends. And to Alex, it was pretty ironic. Out of all people that the older boy could whore around with, he chose his best friend's boyfriend. Sometimes it was funny. The majority of it, however, made him sick.

“Alex?” Zack asked, waving his hand in front of the older's face. Alex jumped up slightly, startled by the interruption of his thoughts. The thoughts he very much hated and wished were dead. “Hm, yeah?” Alex asked, flickering his eyes to Jack, who was talking to some other person he didn't know. “Alex!” Zack whined, slapping his hand. The older boy winced a bit, turning his attention back to Zack, “Yes?”

“Me, Jack and Rian are gonna hang out later. You wanna come?” He asked hopefully, and he already knew the answer. It was always no, because Alex couldn't be around Jack on normal terms, he couldn't just talk to him. If he talked to him, he might actually start to like him. “Zack, I-I can't. I'm sorry, it's just, y'know. I gotta keep my grades up..”

The lie was smooth, they all were. For the amount of time he took perfecting them, they should be. Zack simply nodded, and really he should have expected that by now. Every time it was the same answer, and every time Rian pulled Alex aside. This time being no exception.

“Alex, I don't understand. Every time Zack asks, you refuse. Why? What's so bad about it?” Rian asked, and the older groaned, because he hated being put through this. “I really, really can't stand Jack. And I just, I refuse to have to put up with him.” Rian rolled his eyes, shrugging at Alex, “That's it? You won't hang out with us because you don't like Jack? You barely even talk to him, how would you know? Maybe you guys could turn out to be good friends.”

Alex shivered at the thought. Him and Jack. Friends. No. That wouldn't happen. He wouldn't let it happen. He fucking refused.

“I just.. I think you need to give Jack a chance. If you don't like him, you can leave. Okay? But you barely hang with us anymore and we miss you, Lex.”

Alex wasn't going to give in. He would stay strong and refuse, like he had every time. Right? Alex doesn't want to be around Jack. Jack's a prick, Alex doesn't hang out with people like that. So he'll say no, right?

Wrong, actually. And Alex hates himself even more for finally giving in.

- - - - - -  
A/N: HAI GUISE. Okay so I just wrote this long A/N and then livejournal deleted it hahahah so I'll rewrite it just for you. Basically, I used to post disney stories on youtube and whatever (I was cool, you don't even understand). This is one of the last ideas I had, and I actually started it, but it never got finished and I recently deleted the account. :---) Anyways, so basically here's the plot if you didn't get it or you're confused etc etc. Jack's dating Zack but he's cheating on him with Alex. And Alex doesn't like him or anything he hates him lol. And yes it's fucked up, that's the point. And yes it's NC-17 because I'm gonna TRY and I stress the word try skjudhygfbhdsnja.

This is short, but it's just the beginning.

Anyways, this is all. Hope you liked it or something. If you hated it, that's cool too. I CAN DIG THAT.
did i just say that.

chaptered: ihyt, rating: nc-17

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