I Hate You Too [one]

Jul 21, 2011 20:39

Title: I Hate You Too
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex / Merrikat
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Friends with benefits? Alex liked to think of it as enemies with benefits.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, that's quite illegal. The only thing I really own would be the ideas that go into this. 
Author's Note: If you commented on the prologue, I want to love you down. And this is kind of short too. It's a slow start, but once it picks up I'll be able to write more. And I'll make a masterpost soon.

If theres any major spelling/grammar errors, let me know or I might cry when I find them on my own.

Alex was sitting in Zack's living room, and they were playing Candy Land. And Alex wasn't sure how this happened, or why this was happening, but Alex was just gonna go with it, mainly because he was winning and this was a good feeling. Him and Rian were on one side of the board, Jack and Zack were on the other side. Jack had one of his arms around Zack, but the gesture was pretty empty. And Alex could just tell that Jack only did it to comfort Zack. To show him that Jack felt at least something for him.

After Zack had excitedly moved his little plastic player (he was almost into Lollipop Woods, y'know), Rian picked up a card, examining it and groaning. “I have to go back to the Peppermint Forest!” Alex rolled his eyes, because it was kind of ridiculous how Zack and Rian were taking this game so seriously.

“Ha ha! Move back. Do it. Lose!” Zack was practically screaming at Rian, and the older of the two pouted. Alex shook his head, chuckling. “You're both stupid. Now move your player Ri, it's my turn.”

Rian did as he was told, and Alex picked up a card, moving up to the next red space. Jack's turn was next, and he wasn't really showing much enthusiasm towards the game. “Come on baby, get excited!” Zack squealed. Jack turned his head towards him, giving Zack a look that was basically stating 'no, it will never happen.' Zack pouted a little before Rian started screaming at him to 'go already!'

Jack was not one to express emotion, and Alex knew this from experience. Every time they had ever kissed, or really done anything, Jack was quite forceful about it. Not in the rapey sort of way, but more in the way that there wasn't any feeling behind it.

Although, it would be weird if Jack kissed him and there was something there. The thought made Alex shiver. Feelings. And Jack? The two didn't mix. Especially with Alex.

“Alex, it's your turn fucktard! Go!” The older boy couldn't tell who said that, but nonetheless he picked up a card, smirking at the irrelevant piece of paper. It was stupid, really stupid, but Alex had only needed to get a purple and he would win, for the third time in a row.

“Bitch, stop smirking. What'd you get?” Zack asked impatiently, and Alex simply placed the card down on the board, moving his player to the very end and screaming “Victory!”

Zack and Rian groaned in unison, and Alex just kept smirking as Zack threw the remaining cards at him. Rian kept punching at his side, but it didn't bother him much. The older boy's eyes flickered to Jack, who was looking around the room absently. He hadn't spoken the entire game, and Alex pretty much knew why. Jack had probably agreed to being nice to him, and being nice meant that he'd just shut his mouth entirely, become mute. Alex was perfectly okay with that.

“Fuck this man! I'm gonna go get us some food or something,” Zack declared, getting up from the floor and straightening himself up. Jack began to get up, but Zack stopped him, shaking his head. “I'll come with you,” Rian said suddenly, getting up quickly and walking towards the door. And then Alex felt a rush of anger.

They fucking planned this.

Rian knew that Alex was dead against talking to Jack, fucking hell, he was dead against being in the same room as him. And yet, he still planned this. Alex made a mental note to buy a sledgehammer. He'd need it to bash Rian's head. And, well, for Zack, I guess Alex understood. It probably didn't make him very happy knowing that his boyfriend and his best friend despised each other.

But still, he would have no problem taking a sledgehammer to his head either.

Jack was quiet about it. The only thing he did was flop onto the couch and stare at one of the walls in the living room. Alex sat on the reclining chair, and they sat in silence. It wasn't awkward, but it was just too.. quiet.

They both hated each other, there was no doubt about that, but Alex never liked sitting in silence, and neither did Jack. But they would both rather be quiet than actually have a conversation. Or at least that's what Alex had thought.

Jack could no longer stand to sit there and stare at a fucking wall. He couldn't do it. He didn't have the patience or the attention span to wait until the other two got back with food. And since it was obvious that they had wanted Alex and Jack to talk, the younger boy just decided to go for it.

“So, are you gonna talk to me or not?”

Alex didn't even move, there was no reaction to the sudden voice in the room. Mainly because he knew who the voice belonged to, and he had no interest to give him any attention. “I would talk to a corpse before I even considered talking to you,” Alex's voice was cold, and Jack was pretty sure he shivered.

“Look, Alex. I don't know if you think I want to talk to you or something, but that's not the case. I can't stand silence, and if that means talking to you to get out of it, I'll do it. Obviously, they left us here because they want us to talk or something. I don't know.”

The older boy was still sitting in the same position, refusing to turn his head and look at Jack, “Just because they want us to talk doesn't actually mean I have to talk to you.”

Jack groaned, rolling his eyes “Whatever. You're a stupid whore anyways,” he mumbled, about to get up before Alex shot him down with a glare. “Excuse me?” He asked, and Jack could fucking feel the anger radiating off him, “I'm the whore? Last time I checked, I don't have a boyfriend.”

And then the younger snapped back into his usual bitchy self, “Last time I checked, I'm not sleeping with my best friend's boyfriend.” “You're the one sleeping with your boyfriend's best friend. Give it up, Jack, this is fucking ridiculous.” Alex scoffed, rolling his eyes and getting up from the chair.

“What are you doing?” Jack asked curiously, and Alex ignored him until he was almost at the door. “Leaving. When they come back, tell them... I don't know. Tell them I died. I don't give a fuck.”

Slamming the front door of the house, Alex was only reminded of how much he fucking hated Jack.

chaptered: ihyt, rating: nc-17

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