Happy Birthday To You [S/A]

Jul 18, 2011 23:35

Title: Happy Birthday To You
Author: ipokebears
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: R.
Summary: It's Jasmine's birthday, and although Alex didn't want to, they have a party.
Disclaimer: Don't own Jack or Alex. Alex doesn't have a daughter named Jasmine. Blah blah.
Author's Notes: Another little one shot in the series of one shots where Jasmine Gaskarth exists. These are really fun to write and this one happens to be for my lovely missmazzers due to the fact that it is her birthday today. SO TELL HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVEN THOUGH WHERE I AM ITS ALMOST OVER. Anyways so this was kind of rushed because I wanted to finish it in time, but it's got some cuteness in it. Not quite as sarcastic as the last one. Just mainly cute. ANYWAYS ENJOY OK.

“No. Nope. Absolutely not. Will not happen. Do you understand me?” Alex asked the little girl, sighing as he could see tears form in her eyes. Jack's eyes flickered between both of them, and he was quite conflicted. Jasmine's birthday was coming up, and she had desperately wanted to have a party. However, Alex was dead against it. He didn't want to, simply because he didn't have the patience to deal with screaming preschoolers. The only screaming he enjoyed was Jack's.

The younger boy sighed, snaking one of his arms around Alex's waist. “Come on Lex, it'll be fun. Think of it this way; she's only gonna turn 5 once. And I'll help you with the party. It won't be a big deal.” And using his most convincing puppy pout, Jack managed to get Alex to agree to the party. Jasmine started squealing, and fucking hell, she did that too often. Alex groaned, putting his hand over her mouth and screaming, “Zip it!”

Jasmine bit his hand, and Alex pulled it back quickly, trying really hard not to curse her out. She's four, she doesn't understand that hurts like a motherfucker. Jack started laughing, and Alex shot him somewhat of a deadly glare. The little girl's eyes flickered between both of them, and then she got bored, so she skipped off into the living room. Alex grabbed Jack's shirt collar and began pulling him upstairs. “Uh, babe, what are you doing? Besides trying to choke me.”

Alex rolled his eyes, “If you don't put your mouth on my dick in the next 3 minutes, I'm breaking up with you.”

- - -

The older boy sighed, examining the backyard and then his checklist. Because hey, if he was gonna spend money on a fucking party, he was not going to be missing shit. Jack knew he was stressing, but Alex wasn't accepting help, therefore Jack was stuck upstairs with Jasmine. Helping her do her hair. And her makeup. Alex thought that Jack could really help her out. But not really. He just wanted to see if Jack actually meant what he said about helping with the party.

But Jack wouldn't be straightening and putting a tiara in the little girl's hair if he wasn't serious, would he?

The answer to that was no, Jack would not be doing that. “Ow! Jacky you burned me again!” Jasmine whined, attempting to clutch onto her ear which was throbbing. Jack swatted it away, mumbling an apology. “It won't feel any better if you touch it. Secondly, you'll end up getting your hand burned too.”

“Jacky, you've burned me like 20 times! Daddy's not gonna be happy.” She said, a small pout forming on her face. Jack groaned, grabbing another section of her hair and running the flat iron over it. “Yeah, well Daddy can suck it.” Jasmine's brow furrowed, and as soon as her lips parted, Jack knew it. He knew what was coming next.

“What can Daddy go suck?”

This child. Jack wondered what the hell made her want to ask so many questions. She definitely didn't get it from Alex. Alex doesn't ask questions. He just does things. If he fucks up, he blames other people. But it's a good system, and in the end Alex gets what he had wanted.

Jack ignored the little girl's question, and she got over it. “Are you done yet?!” She whined impatiently, and Jack just really wanted to slap her. But no, he told himself, that's illegal. Instead, the darker haired boy groaned, turning off the straightener. “Yes, your majesty.” He said, bowing as if she were a motherfucking queen.

The little girl grinned proudly, grabbing the tiara and throwing it at Jack. “Put it in!” She whined, and Jack hoped she really wouldn't grow up to be one of those people. Suppressing a groan, Jack picked up the tiara, setting it in her hair gently.

- - -

The party was in full swing (for a preschooler's party, at least). The kids were running around and screaming and doing... whatever they were doing. Alex and Jack were sitting on the deck watching them, although they weren't really paying attention. Unless someone screamed or something. Because then they might be dying and then Alex would get in trouble for that.

“Jack, you're so fucking stupid. You can't milk a pig.” The older boy groaned, trying to reason with Jack. Because this was a stupid conversation, even for Jack. “Yes! You can milk any mammal, dumbass.” Jack reasoned, and Alex mumbled a 'whatever' before flipping him off.

The younger boy grinned, because hell yes, he won. Leaning over and wrapping his arms around Alex, Jack pecked his cheek. The older boy looked at him, rolling his eyes. “Well done faggot,” He said sarcastically, dragging Jack into his lap. The younger boy raised an eyebrow, “Oh, coming from the one who put me on their lap?”

“Shut the fuck up.”

Jack smirked, pinching the older's cheeks and telling Alex how 'cute and adorable and precious' he was. And Alex wanted to kill him. Although, there were many, many times Alex wanted to dig a ditch and bury Jack in it. But then there were other times that he was up for being affectionate and mushy and all that other crap. This was not one of them.

“Faggot. Get off me,” he whined, slapping Jack's arms. Jack groaned, letting go of his face and in return intertwined their fingers. “But baby, I love you,” Jack slurred, and Alex rolled his eyes. “You're such a retard, Jack.” The younger smiled proudly, because he probably was proud of being an idiot.

“Yes, and I'm your retard.”

- - -

It had taken too long, and I mean way too fucking long, for all the kids to finally go home. And now Jasmine was happily sitting in the living room, unwrapping all her presents and grinning happily. Everything was the same; Barbies, dress up clothes, other toys that girls loved that made Alex want to rip his hair out (and wouldn't that be tragic.)

After she was done, and there was fragments of wrapping paper laying all over the kitchen floor (it looked like fucking Christmas morning), she looked over towards Alex, who was under Jack (because the fatass wanted to lay on top of him). “Daddy, I wanna blow out more candles!” the little girl whined impatiently, and Alex groaned (he seemed to do that a lot). “Jasmine, come on. You've already blown them out 6 times. Haven't you had enough?”

She shook her head, but what else was to be expected?

Alex finally agreed, and she skipped off happily into the kitchen. “Jack. Get off me. You're too fat.” The younger gasped, but got up anyways. “I'm a stick compared to you, bitch.” Alex rolled his eyes, shushing him. “You can't curse around Jazz. You know that, stupid.”


Jasmine's shouting was something that both of them were used to, and they really shouldn't be, but whatever. The older boy got up, walking into the kitchen and noticing that Jasmine had already cut a small piece of cake and set the candles up. “You know you're not supposed to use knives, Jasmine.” He said sternly, because while he was pretty easy going when it comes to rules, that was not one of them.

“But Daddy I-” “No 'but Daddy'. Jasmine, you could seriously hurt yourself. So don't do it. Ever again. Understand me?” Jack had never seen Alex be stern with the little girl, and it just didn't seem like him. But, you have to be like that with children, or they could kill themselves.

Alex lit the candles, placing his hands on Jasmine's shoulders. And it may have been the 7th time that day, but the little girl just seemed so happy. Usually she was bitching or screaming, so this was a start. Jack just stood in the corner awkwardly, not wanting to ruin the little family moment they had going on.

They sang happy birthday to her, and she joined in because apparently there weren't enough voices for her liking. After it was all said and done, she decided that she didn't want the cake, and went to distract herself with something else. Alex didn't know what to do with the cake, so he looked over at Jack, who was still standing in the corner awkwardly. “D'you want it?” Alex asked, gesturing to the cake.

“Feed it to me.”

The older boy rolled his eyes, sighing and nodding. Jack giggled like a fucking school girl, rushing to sit down at the kitchen table. Alex forked a bite into Jack's mouth, who chewed happily. “So why didn't you stand over here when we were singing? I know your voice is horrible, but still.”

Jack rolled his eyes, swallowing the cake before speaking, “Because you guys were having a little family moment and it was cute. I didn't want to interrupt.” And then the younger opened his mouth, signaling Alex to put more cake in. Alex chuckled quietly, forking another piece into his mouth.

“You know, it wasn't quite a family moment. You know why?” Jack shook his head, enjoying his cake way too much.

“Because you weren't a part of it.”


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