I have at least another three or four shows to talk about that I've watched and a couple more to watch. I feel like September gets a little crazier every year.
I did wonder at the wisdom of Faye's grandfather confronting her mother about using magic without any back-up. And what is it with characters saying 'I'm going to the authorities...but not until the morning and once I've told you so you can then kill me dead'?
Because, yeah, Dawn then kills the grandfather and says he's gone back to the lakes. Colour me shocked by that *eyeroll*
I actually thought it would have been more interesting for Faye to have actually killed Sally, but I can understand why they wouldn't do that in the second episode.
Also, Faye's mom, was the woman in Species. I totally recognised her but the lack of blond hair really threw me.
I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here that binding the circle will not make their powers weaker.
I'm still enjoying it, despite lots of eyerolling, so I'm going to stick with it for at least another couple of weeks.
It's...alright, but, as
tahariel and I were saying on the phone, it's really difficult to believe that no-one has noticed how different she is.
Would you really not notice if you wife/best friend didn't remember simple details of your life/friendship together?
They could at least have shown Bridget looking through her dayplanner/computer/smart phone/whatever to catch up on her sister's life so she doesn't look so completely clueless.
Okay, so I loved that Tony called Gibbs for help immediately - none of this trying to work things out on my own crap, that so many characters do.
So, we'll be seeing AJ again this season, I'm guessing. And we also have our overall plot for the season, I think. Scott Wolff a bad guy. Who knew?
Was very happy to have minimal Tony/Viva in there.
Loved Abby, Tim and Ziva trying to work out what Tony was working on by using the cameras in the bullpen.
It was...okay. Great production values, but the plot and characters? Pretty meh about all of them.
I don't know how it's going to pan out, but so far this is the one I've enjoyed the most. Of course, it stars the proper Elizabeth Bennett and Margo Martindale, so, that could well be why.
But I like the idea, so I'm going to keep watching.
Also, I think the possibility of the technician (or nurse? I was unclear what her role was) coming across Michael talking to Anna's ghost all the time is potentially hilarious, but that could just be me.