
Sep 15, 2008 14:24

still having problems.

The wee one is NOT doing well at all on the latest formula. We cut him off yesterday as he refused his nighttime bottle on Saturday. We did end up in the hospital after our after hours visit to the Doctors.

He was dehydrated. We ended up getting 10 ounces of water in him and he perked up a bit. We initially went for the rash from the allergy but had that to contend with as well. They are worried about malnourishment from stopping milk and treated me like a nut for trying to get my breastmilk back. Not had positive experience with the NHS over here and just feel blah about the whole thing.

Still pumping... still nothing more than cholostrum (sp?) I am starting to get defeated. I am sure the stress isnt helping. My sister had a hard time with her 2nd born and her milk and her Doctor in the states gave her a muscle relaxant to help bring it on. I inquired about it yesterday and he looked at me like I was a drug addict. Those that know me can attest that I hate to even take an aspirin. Sigh.

Will make this post public. If you stumble upon it and arent on my friendslist but can offer POSITIVE suggestions or tips... please do.

I swear if Scotland did have wet nurses, I would be investigating it. Not a common practice here. Evidently in England you can find it, but really have to look. :(

thaks for reading. just needed to get it off my chest.

Highlight of my day yesterday (NOT) Was woman at hospital that gave me a stern look and then inquired as to if my son had a social worker after I could not name the new health visitor since we switched GP's. Um, yeah... Lady our child is far from abused! Grrr.


food, health, breastmilk, nhs, bba

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