
Sep 16, 2008 13:33

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1) If warlord commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? all the creepy crawlies in the desert!
2) Is elixxir an emo? ha.. no!
3) What do you disagree with laurabel about? not much.
4) Is formosus_solus 1337? HUH?
5) Does echtachrome have a big secret? probably, but it is secret, so I dont know!
6) What would you do if annakey died? be sad.
7) Where was sharonlynette born? the uk. :P
8) What would you do if you found out sharonlynette has a crush on you? laugh, as it is laughable. She has better taste than that!
9) What word best describes webgirluk? generous
10) Is bellafiga a college student? no but she could be
11) When did you last call agathagrimm? never have.
12) What mental disorder does leanasidhe remind you of? not really up on mental disorders!
13) What is warlord's biggest flaw? he never mailed crayons.
14) Did slooj break up with you? er, never dated so NO!
15) Do you have a crush on purplehez? no
16) Could you see blackperson and hayleyk together? no!
17) Does purplehez do drugs? not that I am aware of!
18) What animal does dekzmagichanz remind you of? fuzzy bunny...slippers
19) Is justred introverted or extroverted? a bit of both
20) Would kingdavey and deanne make a good couple? Probably
21) Does evil_geri smoke? I dont think so.
22) What flavor of jello would blackperson be? I see her more as a pudding, Vanilla Butterscotch with Graham Cracker Crumbles...
23) Is an_sceal related to you? nope... but I would claim her if she was! LOL
24) What is heresheis's favorite color? er... I dunno.. Black.. green?
25) Is theworldofhelen friends with odilla? Um, yes.
26) If justred and deanne were siamese twins where would they be joined? the shoulder
27) What rank would broomster have in a giant robot army? whatever one he wanted
28) Which of your friends should caz go out with? er.. broomster! LOL
29) Would classy_bird go out with formosus_solus? As mates... sure why not.
30) Is leanasidhe single? No
31) What is zahrimsthoughts's favorite game? Not sure at the moment. He plays many. Maybe still Rockband, but think he has moved on!
32) What would hayleyk do differently in your shoes? Hmm, dunno. What would you do differently Hayley?
33) Do you have seven_veils's screenname? um no.
34) Do da_weasel and helcat go to the same school? NO
35) What do you agree with theworldofhelen about? Some people shouldnt own pets.
36) What is deanne's favorite movie? Hmmm, she is a romantic at heart so maybe something like Sleepless in Seatle? Or something totally out of left field like Wizard of Oz!
37) What comic book character would justred be? wonder woman! LOL
38) Would you wrestle laurabel in jello? sure why not, sounds like fun... as long as I dont have to do it at my house! LOL What a mess!
39) What is tintaglia30 allergic to? I am making a joke here so dont get offended but birthcontrol!
40) Would you set up blackperson and bellafiga? I can see them hitting it off! but I dont think Bellafiga goes that way!


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