I admire Johnny Depp. He consistently plays weirdos and has an individualistic streak. But he also is really kind to his fans. I remember a few years back that his daughter went to the hospital, and once she got better, he dressed up as Jack Sparrow and visited the kids there as a thank you for all they'd done for his daughter.
And now, according to roflrazzi, he arrived at a school in full Sparrow regalia to help stage a mutiny in a school class, all because a nine year old girl wrote to him and asked for his help. That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard.
celebs.icanhascheezburger.com/2010/10/07/celebrity-pictures-johnny-depp-jack-sparrow/#more-62445 So I salute you, Johnny Depp, for being a good actor and a great human being.