So the Sanctum trailer apparently hit the internet yesterday. Somehow, I wasn't aware of it. Bad High Priestess.
First things first, I have to say that it feels nice to have Ioan-related butterflies in my stomach again. I've missed that nervous anticipation that comes from seeing something Ioan's in. That said, based on the trailer, I think the butterflies are also due to my now near-positive certainty that Ioan's a dead man in this film.
Here's the trailer:
Click to view
(Can I say that I'm supremely disappointed that Ioan's going to be American yet again? Come on, Hollywood, British people have been playing villains for years. Let's hear that glorious accent!!)
Ok, now you may remember that back in February I posted some theories on what would happen in the film, based on the little information that had been released. Now that I've seen the trailer, let's examine my theories again:
*There will be at least one scene on land to establish the characters. With luck, Ioan will be introduced while wearing a suit.: Land establishing, yes. Ioan in a suit, hard to tell. He does look semi-professional in the helicopter, so maybe.
*Ioan's character is on this expedition (probably he's the one funding it) because he thinks it will bring him money/fame: The voiceover sort of hints at it. Also, I can't tell if Ioan's the one doing the parachute stunt, but if it is, then he may also be a bit of a daredevil as well.
*Since the son came under protest, there will be a lot of Father/son dynamics going on, and the incident will bring them closer together: YES.
*Ioan's character will be an arrogant ass until the storm hits, at which point he will turn into a whiny coward: Hard to tell. They don't show much of him after the storm hits, and when they do show him, he isn't speaking.
*Depending on how factual they keep the film (it's supposedly based on a true story), the team will encounter something mystical within the caves, a la The Abyss: No. I already came across someone who'd seen the film who said there's nothing supernatural in the film.
In an attempt to survive/get his way, Ioan's character will threaten to kill the father or son if the other one doesn't comply: Again ambiguous. Someone apparently pulls a knife, and someone sets someone else on fire, but I can't tell who's who in the shots.
*Ioan's character is going to die in this film. He's the bad guy, and by definition, he is doomed: Again unclear, but at this point, I'll be severely shocked if he doesn't. However, the trailer offered another option I hadn't thought of: the father dies, and the son lives. And I'm not sure if that would make the film better or just cliche.
We'll wait and see how everything goes. I'll update on this list again after another trailer comes out, or barring that, the film itself (Yeah, like I'd miss this.)
Also, this reminds me of something that happened about a month ago. I was looking at
fandomsecrets , and one secret gave me the idea to google my username. I did, and came across this (The relevant part has been circled)
This is a screenshot from a Rhys Wakefield fansite. And they used my journal to get information about Sanctum. What I want to know is, how did they find me? Did Rhys' name pop up for them in Google alerts or something? What makes this weirder is that I said in the entry in question that I got my information from IMDB and Ioanzone, which I'm sure had the information up long before I did. So why cite ME? Don't think I'm not flattered, but it's also supremely bizarre.
Anyway, I'd figured I'd share the trailer for anyone who's interested (and who hasn't already gotten this from Ioanzone or Fuck Yeah Ioan Gruffudd [which is where I got it from]). Hope you enjoy.