Who: Alessandra and Marietta When: Wednesday, November 19 around lunchtime (after Pyrite/Rufus) Where: The Ministry's Commissary What: Alessandra seizes the moment to chat with Marietta about work, politics and promotions
Who: Michael Dios, Seamus Finnigan with Marietta Edgecombe When: Friday, November 14, evening Where: starting in Ireland and moving to Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic What: Michael gets Seamus and brings him to the Ministry to give over to Umbridge
Who: Michael Dios, Marietta Edgecombe, Dolores Umbridge, with a guest appearance of Weishaupt and Pyrite When: Thursday November 13, afternoon, after Sven/Forbes at the Tower of London Where: Umbridge's office at the Ministry of Magic What: Michael meets Marietta and goes to ask Umbridge a favor